Sunday, September 30, 2007

Duty Calls

Duty Calls
The other day, while hanging out at Boston’s Logan, I had a “Craig” moment. See, I had an urge to hangout at the “Senate” latrine instead of Wolfgang’s cantina. Sure, I could have used the excuse that I was experiencing a mild case of ED – explosive diarrhea – from traveling all over the place. Instead though, I was amused at the clientele that frequent the “Johns”. I saw a guy that looked like Bill Crystal – the brainchild of Doctor Doom. Both honorary members of the PNAC debacle. PNAC’s absent minded agenda sent this country to war with Iraq, a screwed up mess that to date is costing $190,000,000,000 per year. And how many lives? If you have not educated yourself about the dealings of PNAC, you cannot blame George Bush for this fiasco. Now that amount of money could have cured breast cancer. It could have cured a whole lot of nasty things. I don’t believe “Democracy” is worth this amount of output if the people “under siege” cannot reciprocate. My sentiment, make the PNAC bastards pay for “their” war. Why should my son and daughter get stuck with such a sinful debt burden? I despise cowards, and all those individuals who signed on as signatories to “Democracize” the world are just that! One thing good about Bill Clinton, he didn’t bend over to PNAC’s demands to invade Iraq before there was a lam excuse and our presidency was taken over by a puppet dictatorship. Even George senior laughed at such a ridiculous venture, to invade Iraq. Why, they all knew there was no way out. These coward PNAC bastards should be held accountable. Let them parade down Congress Street of Portsmouth, N.H., wherein the “new age” youth hangout. Let the young “stone” them. I am not talking “stones”, but make the aging decrepit hunchback bastards smoke marijuana until they realize just how stupid their “latrine” agenda is. Sorry, off track. Back to people “urging to go” watching. Wow, wasn’t that Karen Hughes, the author of the “Last Train to Cookoville”? She was Bush’s right hand man, so maybe that is why she is in here instead of the lady’s latrine. And wasn’t that Alien Fleischer, at one time the Whitehouse spokesperson most likely to get dumped upon? I bet he misses being pandered, when airports were out of the question, traveling Air Force 1 style. But this place was buzzing with political notoriety. See, it was September “Debate” night in New Hampshire, so it was a sure bet that the pundits would be invading the “Love Free or Die” state. Live? Love? What is the big difference! It is amazing how many adults don’t wash their hands after pissing. And it is probably also amazing how many senators don’t wash their hands after stall duty. And who knows what goes on behind the big “House’s” closed doors. In actuality, I was hanging out in efforts to get to play footsies with my senator. Hey, if this is where democracy and diplomacy is now being manipulated, it opens up all kinds of possibilities. See, I think that was the real deal going down with Larry Craig. It had nothing to do with soliciting sex. Since “K” Street was closed down – the place wherein lobbyist stole the keys to the treasury – where else can deals be done deals? Poor Tom Delay, he was denied a speaking engagement at Columbia University. At the same time, that guy from Iran was an invited speaker. But Tom Delay, hey in my book he is a terrorist. Anybody who plays favor to a political agenda that is designed to disenfranchise the poor of America their vote, he should be spanked. Of course, maybe congressmen like to get spanked. Hey, if they like playing footsies in airport latrines, just think of the possibilities of other kink type enjoyment. And getting back to making deals behind closed “stall” doors, think about it, a “latrine” at an airport? Who would ever suspect such dealings in the making? Lets face it. All sorts use the airports, from dignitaries to politicians. So I think Craig in reality let the cat out of the bag. Well it is time to leave the latrine environment, as come about noon-time, airport bathrooms get overcrowded, with overflowing urine puddles. It gets tracked all throughout the airports then onto the planes. Honestly, the airlines should pass out those “use once” booties! So it was time, and I had some studying to do. I always find entertaining things to do at the airports. In fact, Logan is ahead of the rest, as the management has installed “rocking” chairs! It means “relax”. It means delays are expected. Now, why in hell is our government continuing to stupidly spend our money? This was no doubt a behind closed “stall” doors of a deal. It is a program designed to train TSA agents as “Behavioral Detection Officers”. According to one leading San Francisco researcher – milking the treasury tree – says “he’s gotten DOD funding to finish his work building an interactive training game that teaches people to be alert for facial expressions that often precede a physical assault”. Hey Paul, read my lips “Get a real job”. Is this “funding” part of that $190-billion dollar rip-off? Anyway, I thought I would play with this “behavioral” garbage. And these so-called “Behavioral Detection Officers” are now paying close attention to “you” in that security check-in line-up line. And get this, most recently the TSA pulled one guy out of line, because he was acting differently then the others. According to a TSA specialist, “Other travelers shuffling blankly along the security line that quiet afternoon showed all the emotions of cattle”. Are we supposed to look and act like cattle heading to the slaughter-house? It looks as though the “normal” guy’s behavior “deviated”, so it merited a closer look. What a load of BULLSHIT. Do our senators and congressmen allow this kind of stuff to get funded? Sounds like it is getting closer and closer to a bonafide “Soylent Green” state of affairs. Anyway, I had the opportunity to try out this “behavioral” game upon my traveling brothers and sisters. So the tell tale signs go like this. Ball cap and blue jeans, a definite suspected terrorist. Just looking around me, I was surrounded by terrorists! So we must expand upon “possible” suspects so as not to stereotype. In fact, I was wearing just that! This study goes on to talk about strange behaviors, like looking around to search for something. You know what, the airports are alive with good looking women of all ages and ethnic diversity. It is a live and free fashion show! Who isn’t searching? Hey, there’s a guy biting his fingernails and he looks nervous, a definite giveaway according to this taxpayer “funded” rip-off research. In fact, this guy looks suspiousios. He is dressed in a State Trooper’s uniform. Wow, should I tell the Homeland guys? Now maybe that would not be a good idea, as the nervous guy who passed a majority of the behavioral traits as a terrorist candidate, he has a loaded gun! What the hell is that smell? Some bastard just let out a gusher of a gasser, right here in public. He’s running towards the “John”. Damn, it looks like Don Young, my congressmen from Alaska. He seems nervous, like he’s up to something. This could be good, like some kind of “Rabid Skunk” deal going down. Maybe I can get a heads up and find myself on the contract end of a lucrative bridge to nowhere deal. Maybe a lot of land on Coconut Grove. Damn, if I only understood the Craig Code! Where did he go? Question of the day, “Who’s that behind door#1? Or may it be Door#2. I’m out of here, as waves of urine seem to be infiltrating the halls of Congress. Back to the FACS – Facial Action Coding System. Four individual facial expressions will get you a private session with a qualified TSA Behavioral something or another expert and your name on the “Most Qualified” list of would-be terrorists. This is not B.S. but what is going on outside every overflowing urinal at all the major city airports. And you are paying for it. There’s one, the “Brow Lowerer” It’s some old guy reading the newspaper about how his heating bill is going to increase by an additional $400 dollars. And another, the “Inner Brow Raiser”. It is some lady wearing a shirt that sports a picture of her dead soldier, as she reads about the latest casualty count. Then we come across the “Outer Brow Raiser”. Hey, it’s Don again. He must be letting out gas, surprised himself! And last but not least, the “Cheek Raiser and Lid Compressor”. Seems all the TSA guys that stare all day at those bags going through the X-Ray machine are a perfect match. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Say each one of these slowly and honestly, as each one will give the FACS system a true test. But watch out, someone may be watching! And the one missing out of the four FACS “you are a terrorist” criteria, the “Outer Brow Raiser”, just look at George Bush’s smirk! What a study! What a waste. So I end with this, “America, where are you now, don’t you care about your sons and daughters…” Damn, that little old Korean lady is moving one heap of a garbage pile out here at the airport. It is 2am, so this is when all of the clean-up takes place and the restrooms can dry out. All the TSA agents are having a multi-hour coffee break, as there are no travelers this early to harass. Maybe I should help the lady, as she is struggling. But that may not be a good idea. See, I might arouse an interest as a suspicious character, as it is out of the ordinary and we are supposed to act just like prodded cattle, or branded! Sorry, things are not like they used to be. Hey, there’s the “Three Stoolges”. Wow, this place is like Pennsylvania Avenue. See, Alaska believes in diversity. Once upon a time, Alaska was represented by the “Three Stoolges”. Namely Ted, Frank and Don. Now Frank thought it was important that the 49th state meet the Federal guidelines for gender quota, as that would mean more “pork” headed north and thrown away in fake “political” polls. So he resigned from his U.S. Senate seat, became Alaska’s governor and gave the “vacant” $170,000 a year senate seat to his daughter, for free with no strings attached. Now senators get subsidized for housing when in D.C., so Frank rents his old house out to his daughter. See, such can only be a deal made in “latrines”, as it stinks so badly. Then he sold the henhouse - a.k.a. oil taxation - to the FOX - a.k.a. “Big Oil”. Now Ted is under investigation by the FBI, IRS, WWW, XXX and others because he has secret powers. He is known as the “Hulk”. And somehow, his single story house way up in Alaska mysteriously “doubled” in size! Don also has secret powers, as “signed and sealed” appropriation bills have mysteriously been altered, behind closed doors, or maybe from behind “latrine stall” doors. Is there a better word then “CORRUPT”? Sure is, “Corrupt Bastards”, but it doesn’t meet the “gender” criteria. Wow, the TSA agents have found something to do, as it seems out of the ordinary that a group of people - the Three Stoolges - are wide awake this time of the day. And they are not acting like cattle! See, the “Stoolges” just arrived from somewhere via an incoming flight. But the official “Arrival/Departure” display doesn’t indicate any arrivals? Oh, they are coming from the “Private” airline arrival gate. So of course they don’t feel like “cattle”! I forgot, it is called segregated “privacy”. So as true grit American’s put up with less and less privacy, our so-called elected “brats” can have cake and eat it too. And don’t forget the “leftovers”! All at “Freedom’s” expense. So I end with this again, “America, where are you now, don’t you care about your sons and daughters…” Surely our elected officials don’t, as like the overflowing urinals spill-out putrid disgust, so does political “corruption” overflow from the fountain of “Freedom Is Lost”!

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