Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pain & Suffering - Unusual!

Pain & Suffering – Unusual!
What a gorgeous day it was out! Sure termination dust had sprinkled the top of Flat Top and Sleeping Lady was getting ready to hibernate, such a fall like day. Bottom-line on a scale of “Wow”, this day would be hard to forget. It was the best by far, from the Creator during my terms of endearment with life. Now this was an unusual year for me here in the Anchorage bowl, as my trail running had taken on a correction course. See, earlier in the spring, I had my first “chase” encounter by a Hillside Brown bear. Really, after some 15-plus years hitting the hillside trails, it was easily observable over this time frame that eminent domain was also becoming a favorite pastime of the bears. Now over the years, wherein miles and miles of rough terrain became a habitual release away from the maddening society, I had seen many “fresh” signs of black and brown bears alike. But never once did I have the opportunity to be chased. The odds were stacked in the bears’ favor, that it was bound to occur. And believe me, bears are swift. And bears are curious, especially when interested in pet dogs that sometimes accompany trail runners. So it is an encounter that has a paralyzing effect on one’s freedom. With that in mind, I became and continued to be overly interested in the more civilized trails, like those that meander through the downtown “greenbelt”. It didn’t really bother me, from backcountry to upcountry, as it was still an exercise, both mind and body wise. Now Westchester Lagoon is a very beautiful place. So on this day, that was my choice. And it was one of those lackadaisical days, wherein a park bench seemed more in tune to that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness agenda. So I found myself at the lagoon and parked myself on one of the benches that is set on the shoreline, wherein one’s back is to the steady stream of humans and dog traffic that were also out and enjoying this most glorious day. The sun was shinning brightly. Fall colors filled the surroundings. Geese were taking to flight, as were other waterfowl. The lagoon was calm, so reflections from all around made it like a fantasyland scene. Wow. Picture postcard perfect. Thank you Creator. Soon I found myself falling off to no-mans land – what a day for a daydream nap! Then something aroused my survival instincts. It was somebody from behind yelling “lookout”. Now I thought that maybe a dog was headed my way, as I had become pretty quick thinking after the “bear” encounter. What else could it be? So I braced myself for those wet muddy paws from behind. Then it hit. Not a dog paw, but a human fist. It was a judo-like hit to my left side, my ear hurt. And then it was the same on the right side. This happened faster then when the bear chase commenced. Now I haven’t been belted like this since days of old, when Gary Trout and I went at it over something – probably a girl. That is when I found out that nuns like threesomes. Really, sister Eileen pounced on both of us at the same time, and she was just a little person. She had this grip that was unbearable and unbreakable. And she new how to throw punches! Anyway, the next thing you know there is this guy engaged in restraining my attacker. But I could tell right off there was a relationship between the guy and a kid that looked like a young adult – maybe in his early teens. Now this happened right in broad daylight. And I wasn’t in Spenard! I was at Westchester Lagoon. Now like the bear encounter, you remember things. I remember the bear’s teeth and beady eyes, indicative that tooth decay was not a problem - as it was a young bear. Now though, I focused on this “poor” kid. His eyes showed wariness and worry. In fact, his eyes showed like there was no tomorrow. It was easy to see that he was a powder keg of pain and confusion. Soon, the counselor had the kid controlled, gave an apology for the kid’s outburst and they went about their business. Hey, I was glad to see somebody taking the time to get kids like this outdoors on such a beautiful day. Later on I would find out that this out-of-control kid was one of three triplets all affected with “autism” and a handful no one could imagine. This according to the “expert” - the kids’ counselor. After the attack, a lady sitting next to me asked if I was going to do something. I had pondered that question myself, but answers were not easily forthcoming. So, what could one do? Sure I could press charges, but what in hell would that accomplish except wasted time and wasting valuable resources. Maybe a trip to the little people lawyer could shed some ideas. But would somebody actually think of bringing a civil lawsuit? For nothing more then some monetary reimbursement? Sure, as we are that kind of society. See, was the out-of-control kid the custody of the state? Was this counselor - possibly a state or private employee - negligent in his duties? But wherein lies the real problem. The bottom line, as the empty container trains of the Alaska Railroad go back and forth to nowhere - in efforts to continue to collect Federal “subsidized” waste money because our Congressional representatives are so generous with others hard earned income - kids like this go day in day out without a chance of ever living a normal life. As I have tooted off before, this state wastes more “pork” appropriations then any state in the union. The railroad, if not subsidized, would go bankrupt. So what, we couldn’t make the milkman work, maybe it is time to unload the real big money guzzlers. All that wasted money, from “pork”! And what do we have to show for it? Kids out of control. Here in Anchorage, we have gangs out of control. They own the streets. Hey, the fish & game guy was ambushed in a drive-by this spring, at an intersection only a stones throw away from my house. On the lower Hillside! We know Anchorage is the “rape” capital of the union, and didn’t Lisa campaign that she would get money to stop it. Let’s see, un-kept promises again. But I am sure the money ended up somewhere where it could be regurgitated as a campaign contribution. And Anchorage is headed towards the murder capital of the world, as like anything else we have better things to do with the money, like arrest “jaywalkers”. So we now have proof that behind closed doors, we have “Children Left Behind”. So that’s the “pain” side of this commentary. Sure I blame our representation, as they have not kept focus to where taxpayer money should have been spent. Why? Programs that help fellowmen instead of fellow crooks are more in-line with a “democratic” agenda. And that may have made a big difference when it came to the voting booth. Bottom-line again, had it not been for all the “pork”, misappropriated so it could be turned into gold to re-elect the fools time after time, politics in this state would not be the laughing stock of the nation. Everywhere I go, outside of Alaska, people laugh over the fact that all of our Federal representatives are labeled as crooks and half of the “Ben” congregation is under indictment. Now how about this for the suffering part of this commentary. I met a young guy the other day, he had that “forced” smile upon his face. He was a soldier, now on the rehabilitation bandwagon. His face had been blown off, during an incident in Iraq. Even with all of the re-construction surgery, the face was still a mess. And it looked like the smile was wired, as there could not be a smile behind this kids story. See, here in Alaska, we find that many of the current casualties of the protracted Iraq war are stationed from the military up here. It seems to be an inequitable casualty and injury count, but that is for a reason. See, the war was not supposed to last this long. And for the longest of times, as other state’s military bases unloaded troops to Iraq and dealt with the death blows, Alaska’s military was somewhat spared. Why? Very simple my friends. I was informed of this by a very reliable source, as I used to work up at the Air Force base in Anchorage. See, politics dictated the fact that the war was to be very unpopular - as are most conflicts involving our young kids. It can become a campaign nightmare issue for an incumbent if the death toll gets bothersome for the local voters. So here in Alaska, pressure was placed upon the base commanders to not send their troops at first, with the excuse that the troops were needed here to protect the Pacific, as part of the PAC – Pacific Air Command. That was a good move for our representatives, as the war was supposed to be over with quick and dirty – mission accomplished. But it wasn’t over easy, and today the troop count remains as if the war had just begun – mission accomplished re-make. And over this time period, it was just a matter of time when troop deployment would have to hit those protectively stationed here in Alaska. Not a real good move on somebody’s part! Of course, it happened when the war was at its deadliest interval, with Bush’s siege tactic. So, we now pay the price wherein on a daily basis we hear about a young Alaskan based troop making the Lehrer News Hour – in memory. This is how our elected representatives work behind closed doors. If it isn’t taxpayer money they are manipulating for their own good, it is the vote, through shenanigans like messing with other people’s lives. And I thought unusual pain & suffering was something that we were supposed to guard against? I guess not when it comes to the “Corrupt Bastards” and their selfish political agendas. Alaska, the land of “Crooked Representation”! Take this like a man, “Little Man” - a.k.a Ben - for your main man!

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press @ or

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