Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Judge Cannon’s BALLS

From a non-legal “opine”, it is a Simple Simon “Reckoning Ball” what Judge Fredo Cannon meant when she decided to appoint a Special Masterbater for Donald John Trump, per the MAGA Moron’s request. Trump asked for it! But Judge Fredo Cannon’s recital, it falls in the category of “the dog ate my homework”, in just blame it all on Baby Brett Kavanaugh, as to why she had to rule the way she did. In consistency Baby Brat’s despicable “opine” that set into motion the time-tested privilege of “precedence set” and “binding arbitration” no longer the law of this land, yes a sacrilege upon the judicial system in its merit of seeking jurisprudence. It was the Day “Democracy” died and here we are beginning to see the fallout of a Confederacy re-emerging. OK, a Simple Simon “Wrecking Ball”! And now Trump has his court jesters to whack-off his balls.

And of course nothing will happen to Mr. Trump, even if the DOJ gets told by the Special Masterbater that the “empty folders” that once contained “Top Secret” White House recipes of disaster are, “Executive Privileged” even when empty! Yes, “empty folders” that once held secrets are Trump’s privilege, so it means the folders are not empty – prove it says Trump! See, no doubt “Top Secret” recipe stuff has been deep-throat taste-tested by Melania, and…wow, the button to empty the trash has a ring-tone – “From Russia with Love”? 

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