Wednesday, September 7, 2022

CIA Hoodwinking?

For some reason the CIA has been very, very quiet the past 15-years or so, but that does not mean it has lost its luster as the “SPY” that promotes things sometimes with an evil intent. OK, in the end it is justified for Democracy’s sake. Wow, so the 70 or so “Top Secret” folders that were confiscated and found “empty”, when 28 should have been returned to sender that being the Secretary of the Military which means the contents were “WAR” stuff, empty folders discovered when the FBI surrounded Trump’s “crapper” down yonder, was it a cloak & dagger set-up by the Central Intelligence Agency? For sure sounds like a likely target-of-interest the person-of-interest, using Donald John Trump’s incompetency to get “secret information” into the right hands – yes right hands in efforts to get madmen like Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin to think he has the detailed goods on Volodymyr Zelenskky, and then attacks Ukraine. Of course that is what is happening today, as Putin is on the verge of a “retreat” in an ill-fated mission. And Ukraine is now in a counter-offensive and taking back its sovereignty. Remember, Putin rode into Kyiv on his crown horse thinking the people would give in and instead was stoned away, his 3-day escapades failed miserably and since then his war machine is just about limping along – to the point his pride and joy as a world leader is in Sad Sack mood. So somehow Putin was given the wrong information as to how to go about his passion to win a war. Surely some document must have explained how to go about this attack, from how the U.S. Military viewed the situation, and Putin took the bait. But it was a set-up, and Putin fell for it! He used secret documents that came from his lover – that set the stage of defeat he’s loosing! And that means he will not be able to extend his pain and suffering, as it is the United States that is controlling that war in Ukraine and Putin is bogged down, as we had a heads up as to how Putin would go about that attempt to take over that neighboring country by military force. We gave Putin the “Green Light”, a plan that was in defeat already. If Putin fails, then he fails the mission as then Russia is vulnerable and will never again strive to take over the European world. A “retreat” is imminent, thanks to our CIA coming up with a plan, and using Donald John Trump as the Trojan Horse to make damn sure that ill-fated plan gets into the right hands. Look, it is World War III we are into with this conflict in Ukraine. The CIA knew it was coming to that as History repeats itself, so the agency realized in opportunity time to short-circuit the Putin plan, by letting Donald John Trump steal secret information in fake and all the time knowing that if that stuff ended up at Mar-a-Lago – which the CIA allowed for a dereliction in the normalcy in its  checks & balances that which controls “top secret” stuff – then that stuff would get outside its intended audience. And it did. And the Vladimirobitch relied on what was provided to him by Mar-a-Lago, and here we are today on the breach of a Putin defeat. And all that craze about finding “nuclear warhead secret codes” at Trump’s “SPY” palace, it is the same damn thing a set-up by our CIA, and who knows how that could confuse our enemy? IMAGINE if Putin fell for those codes and initiated a change and it backfired and his own missiles attacked North Korea, or vice-versa? World WAR III, a war of deception because Donald John Trump gave the CIA an entirely new game to play. And that may be the main reason we may find in the end nothing happening to Donald John Trump for allowing these “Top Secret” documents” to get away from the “privilege”, as it was all a set-up by our CIA in furtherance of Democracy. So Mr. Trump can be thanked for being such a Fuck’n Moron and thus the CIA taking advantage of that attribute, in attention on the World Wide stage.

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