Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Ghost v. Ghost v. Ghost

OK, in update with the Stephen Bannon trial as the jury is on a “free lunch” break. It appears that the unprecedented trend continues, that every move that Bannon’s legal team tries to instigate to defend the client, well the Judge gavels down in opposition like he is trying so hard to help the prosecution. Look, I am not a Bannon fan, but believe that a fair trial is essential else Democracy is now under attack by the “Crazy Psycho Shit” party, and are not we just getting back to some Patriotic normalcy away from the “Legitimate Political Discourse” ways and means of the Donald John Trump error, and the allowing of Melania to exist in the White House as a “double-penetration SPY”? And moot to forget this jester in the “black robe” is a Trump anointed appointee – Federalist Judge  Carl John Nichols is setting the stage for a mistrial of justice. I bet if Bannon had to pee, the Judge would say wait until a scheduled break, just “hold it”! Even though in the Mark Meadows “Trump's Chastity Belt" case being heard by the same Judge in the Stephen Bannon “Marjorie Soylent Greene” case, well Meadows tried to incite a riot by challenging the DOJ to interfere against Nancy LousyLollaPelosi’s legal staff, when the latter was not busy seeking a plea bargain for husband Paul’s completely wrecked Porsche – just kidding! But in the Meadows case, it was a side attraction though, in USA v. USA, what side is the referee on, chair leaders? But today we see that the USA v. Bannon has evolved into the Ghost v. Ghost predicament. See, Bennie Thompson as Chairman of the Select Committee investigating the “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol, that January 6th pandemic of “walking turds” in pursuit the Trump jock supporters wanting to shit all over the Constitution, he opened up a can of, well “Ghosts”. And now the Bannon lawyer is aiming for the same triumph, that a ”ghost” exists amongst us! See, Bennie has been broadcasting this thing about House Resolution 503(c)8, which defines this “ranking minority member”, which does not exist so is merely a figment of one’s imagination. But it is a critical juncture realization, as one cannot quote that permission was granted by a “ghost”, to question individuals-of-interest. So now Bannon’s lawyers are invoking the same privilege, in an eye-for-an-eye tooth-for-a-tooth showdown, as the defense finds a “ghost” is this notion that Trump doesn’t exist as a human but is a “ghost” of perversion past.

And wow “Ouch”, after the free luncheon the Judge allowed Bannon to question the executioner’s “face is always well hidden” prime witness, on whether or not Bannon was presented with the House Rules along with the subpoena, as is required for the subpoena to be valid - which is of evidence now in FBI documents that the process server filled in the paper-work of “due process” ahead of time, before anything was legally served on Bannon, which means we have behind door Number 3, “Ghost #3”!

US Judge Carl Nichols allowed Steve Bannon's attorney to ask House committee staffer Kristin Amerling a question that was shut down earlier Wednesday — whether Bannon had been provided with a copy of House regulations that, according to House rules, is required to be presented to House witnesses who are requested to testify.

Nichols expressed skepticism that the question spoke to a defense that Bannon would ultimately be allowed to put forward, but said he’d let the question be asked just to be safe.

Amerling testified that there were plans to present Bannon the material when he arrived at the deposition, but he never showed up.

Bannon was a No-Show, which means he never received the “House Rules” and you mean to tell me that the Select Committee’s legal team has an “urgency” to do things right? That’s right, they went too busy with Paul Pelosi’s DUI, and now we have a wrecked Porcha and a wrecked system of justice. Free at last for Bannon, would not that SUCK the wind out of the sail of Democracy!

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