Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Bannon MIS-Trial Day#2

Appears Judge Carl John Nichols is setting the tempo, setting the stage on fire for an “unfair” trial for Stephen Bannon. I despise this Trump Dysentery Dynasty  minion minnow, that seems to be the “Top Slob Job” for the MAGA Fuck’n Moron’s “Marjorie Soylent Greene” bowel movement, in enjoyment to shat all over our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. But when a Trump appointed, Trump anointed Federal Judge taints the way for a mistrial based on “fairness” sabotaged, hope you get the point what may be going on here – how the Federalist takes for granted its association and affiliation with tilting the courts of justice, in their favor “politically” polite!

And the G-men is also putting on a despicable debacle in jurisprudence: Accordingly, Amerling(Bennie Thompson’s legal counsel and government witness) testified that it only has about a year and half to do its work. Amerling said that there is an “urgency” to the committee’s work, given its focus on a violent assault on the US Capitol and law enforcement. "We have a limited amount of time to gather information.”

This is a PURE BULLSCHIFF statement! The “Committee”, if “urgency” was a consideration, then this “Committee” has “zero” knowledge what is at its disposal for this “urgency” and per the wherewithal of Congress. Talking McGrain v. Dougherty as precedence set. Instead, Bennie Thompson’s “Lipstick on a Pig” uses a subpoena like candy being doled out by a pervert, that acts merely as a friendly invite, then Thompson gives into pressure and extends the deadlines for those compelled to answer and then maybe the “Committee” gets some satisfaction. And with 5-members of Congress that laughed at the “Committee’s” subpoena power, Bennie allows the excuse “the dog ate my homework” and it means “freedom at last”. This “Committee” is by far a creep-sake show of nothing gained, as so far it has been a NO-SHOW in justice served, maybe more in tune to justice perverted.

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