Friday, May 27, 2022

Stephen Bannon - Court Watch#1

Dear Honorable Judge Carl John Nichols;

On May 24th, the 117th United States House of Congress “Minority” Leadership, namely Kevin O. McCarthy in the capacity and under the auspices of “Minority Leader” along with Stephen J. Scalise in the capacity and under the auspices as the “Minority Whip”, together under sound-mind said individuals filed a motion for a “leave” in efforts to get your permission to file an “amicus brief” before your court. Which is truly bothersome as they are not a party to the case of interest they strive to get involved upon and in doing so, taking a side against the United States. This should not be tolerated in any court venue, as if so in allowance it is like January 6th continuing on forward ho! And these individuals “represent” all the people when in action any action through their “representative capacity” as members of the U.S. Congress, and not as private individuals divested away from their sworn duty as a representative, regardless of party affiliation. This representative responsibility remains, as of record the desire to file that “amicus brief” as a member of the U.S. Congress should not be allowed. It should not be tolerated when it incites frivolous attacks against the United States as a continuation of what “We the People” have been up against by a sitting U.S. President that engaged in a “coup”. This “amicus brief”, if accepted by your court, it no doubt entertains “aiding and abetting” Stephen Bannon in a “criminal” complaint, that case under your authority as 21-CR-00670. Representatives do not own that luxury to file such “briefs” as members of Congress in official title and or namesake, especially when it is the United States Government as the “Plaintiff” in action against Bannon for what may be a criminal indictment and members taking sides against the very body they represent! Members represent all the people and should not be allowed to practice this kind of dereliction away from their “sworn duty”. You Sir are in the position to make this kind on nonsense STOP! Think of what this means if you feel it reasonable beyond a legal doubt that leading role members of the U.S. Congress can pick sides, against the United States, if this is not the definition of a “Turncoat” finding treason without reason, then what is? You must deny this motion in any “So Ordered” resolution, else it retreats Democracy to shambles. Correspondences in concert with this concern in the form of a “Cease & Desist” have been forwarded to the Washington D.C. office of both McCarthy and Scalise and CC’d to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In hopes that those in the “Minority” will withdraw such motions. You as a Federal judge are in the position to STOP this kind of madness, said again this is an attack by sitting members of U.S. Congress against their own government exercising a preferential treatment for Mr. Bannon and if I were on the bench, this kind of behavior would be punishable by some demonstrable forfeiture - as to benefit from such “cheer-leading” is no different then what occurred on January 6th. If you fall for this Trojan Horse, you are allowing that “Domestic Terrorist Attack” to gain more attention and momentum and continue to reverberate in harm. Please refuse to accept the motion filed by Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Scalise, as frivolous because they are not at liberty nor in the position to allow premeditated harm against their own government, as that amounts to “Treason”, else if allowed Democracy will scream the day the music died. If you have already accepted House Minority LEADER McCarthy and House WHIP Scalise “frivolous” undermining of Democracy, please for sake of Liberty, you must reconsider the consequences by doing nothing and allowing it to remain of record. This should not be allowed as the “normal course” in court rules and filing motions. Mr. Bennie Thompson, as the Chair of the “Select Committee investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Constitution”, he has been adamant that the “institute(Congress) must be protected”, his warning about how members of Congress “shall” be treated when it comes to legal matters before his “Committee”. That practice has been demonstrated in “good will”, yet it appears to be a one-way street when members can then turn around and act as accomplices to a crime case. These members of Congress are getting involved in efforts to convince you to “dismiss” the United States government’s case against Stephen Bannon! You Sir must protect your “institute”, by sounding out loud your gavel, by putting your foot down and thus denying Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Scalise any opportunity to further an agenda designed to ridicule Democracy or ridicule the wherewithal of your court. There is no way you should accept members of Congress auctioning off the wherewithal of the inherency of the U.S. Constitution, as a stepping stone to further a MAGA agenda based on false promises, else “We the People” have nothing left but a U.S. “Constitution” constipated.

This Respectfully, Concerned U.S. Citizen Zane 1 through 1000000

S. Pam McGee - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

CC: Chief Counsel Hugh Louis Dewey
Law Firm of Dewey, Cheetham and Howe

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