Friday, May 27, 2022

Lawrence Tribe SHUT”F%”UP!

Maybe if Harvard was better suited as an institute of higher learning instead of higher earnings and with the latter priority in superiority interested only in pumping out “puppet pimps” with law degrees, well maybe the legal system would not be castrated in justice - due corruption in behaviors consumed by power and money. It is the “legal” community that controls every commodity today, from the prisons to our Congress. Basically speaking, way too many lawyers don’t give a rat’s ass about nothing except defending nonsense, protecting the liberties of their deadbeat clients at a cost. What we see today from Harvard and the other claim-to-fame institutes and what it produces for the legal arena, well the Henry Murray establishment is alive and well. In a nutshell;

Leading experts accuse Russia of inciting genocide in Ukraine and intending to "destroy" Ukrainian people.

“Russia and other members of our organization are behaving most responsibly,” Putin said. 

Hunting RIFFLES?
 Choose Thou Weapon!

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