Thursday, May 5, 2022

Scary-eyed Decisis

So how long has it been since the House of LousyLollaPelosi referred over to the Merrick Garland DOJ a “Congressional Contempt” against Mark Meadows, Mark Meadows, Mark Meadows? Yes, must call Meadows out by the number of places he is registered to vote, herein a trimester crime spree. Damn, didn’t mean to bring GinniGate into the fold, but Democracy did have the right of “abortion” until the Supreme Court Jesters thought differently, as they want the “illegitimacy” for that “Legitimate Political Discourse” that will send “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” back to the dark ages, 1860 - when slavery was allowed, women could not vote and interracial marriages outlawed. Wow, if this “Alito” thing flies, does that mean Clarence and Ginni have to separate? NO, as there is a one liner in the “Abortion Ban Draft” that gives cover to members of the Roberts’ Court. Now what is the reason that Garland has been so damn quiet about that referral, wherein Meadows broke the law by failing to appear for a deposition upon a legally restraining “Congressional Subpoena”, no action to date? A Simple Simon “because”, as Meadows has an ongoing lawsuit against Pelosi and the January 6th Select Committee and his lawyers are using every tool in the book to delay jurisprudence. And until such time that the court can render a timely decision, forget about any action by the DOJ against Meadows - as that would be premature and get the DOJ in a lot of hot water. And just yesterday, Judge Carl Nichols allowed Meadows another month to find another excuse why he doesn’t have to be a law-abiding citizen. But rest assured, with the Meadows and the RNC and Bannon and Eastman all under the legal cow-prod due affiliation with a Treasonous Turncoat - that Donald John Trump - it all will end up in the lap of the Supreme Court before it is all said and done. And now that we see that “High Court” behaving like…all attempts to hold the saboteurs accountable will fall under the auspicious of a “Presidential Abortion”, aka a Supreme Court “pardon”!

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