Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Ill Conceived SCOTUS Bull Shit

OK, as all the Henry Murray “Constitutional Scholars” read through the “egregiously breached” Sam Alito “Abortion Ban Draft”, I too am in agreement with the Chief Jester Roberts, it was a “betrayal”. But as a bonafide “Constipational Scholar”, in my category of “betrayal” it is not that the “draft” went illegally distributed outside its intended audience, the “betrayal” is in the scope of this long-winded Alito “Constitutional Heist” document. I pledge allegiance is a thing of the past. Henry? Harvard Yard’s chief negotiator for lobotomies performed on campus kids yearning to become a Tribal lawyer. Another subject! See, the 98-page “brief” that was “breached” from one of the sitting judges of the Supreme Court “bench”, so a limited audience please fess up Clarence this mess in “betrayal” a mistrial in jurisprudence now falling under the auspices of “Ginnigate”, well it contains over 30-pages “Harmlessly Left Blank”. Talk about government waste! See, missing from those pages it is not only meaningful intelligence lost for words, it means 30-pages that starts out claiming the justification of “abortion bans” by the states before 1865? Not a typo, it was an Alito history lesson. For real, trying to use stuff way back then to justify over-turning Roe v. Wade, using criteria when slavery was still alive and well and women could not vote and interracial marriage was a NO NO punishable by hanging! Pathetic, this “opine” from a once trusted American “icon” no more the “High Court” has been hijacked and ransacked - the lobotomy worked. And if this “Abortion Ban” retreats away from the “draft” status and becomes the law of the land, it appears Amy Cootie Barrett will become the poster child for “Woman is the Nigger of the World”! But those 30-pages are pure starry-eyed decISIS “bull shit”, basically a “moot point” of contention as a Federal Circuit Court Judge most recently ruled that the use of the word “shall” was a “semantic mess” and issued a warning that word was not binding on any considerations. But in Alito’s bowel movement, in those 30-pages of “mutism jurisprudence”, that word enjoys a joyous reunion in use 287 occurrences, and does not withstand the rigor-mortis of any jurisprudence. The courts no longer have the wherewithal to render a decision on the legal meaning and merits of that word “shall”, so any testimony used by the Supreme Court that tries to bull-shit its way into our living rooms by some “shall” doctrine some 150-years ago - go to hell is my sentiment, yes these are fighting Irish words in advise! And the Fudgepackingpremeadonna Court knows all about that word “shall”, yet framed the “Abortion Ban Draft” all upon this nonsensical word, from a legal standpoint. Why? Because the High Court gives not a rat’s ass about anything, and that is what happens when the Justice turns Jester and taken over by liars and crooks. Look, how can Gorsuch and Cootie Barrett and Baby Brett, how can they in realization stay tuned in to that “Sworn to Oath” duty when they were appointed by a Treasonous Turncoat, an “Enemy of the People” that organized and pulled the trigger on an attempted “coup d’scar” on the U.S. Capitol? Why they continue to destroy the wherewithal of the highest court of the land, by not stepping down, it is as well Treasonous. And now the institute that we relied upon for a long, long time, even when we despised the likes of Scalia but could trust his judgement as non-political, now we have total deceit in the “High Court”. And as Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin invades the tranquility of Ukraine, we are under the same damn attack by the U.S. Suppository Court.

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