Friday, May 13, 2022

Fool's Stool Select Committee

This is a TIP: STOP being STUPID! STOP being Cowards! STOP being FOOLS! STOP being AFRAID!

Dear Select Committee;

The fact that this “Committee” decided to once again engage in wasting the Taxpayers’ dime & time by sending out more useless subpoenas, when still the Ted Lieu H.R. 406 “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” remains held up in the Pelosi/McGovern “House Rules”, it makes many of us have second thoughts about the wherewithal of the Democrats in the leadership as a “Majority”. When the democrats yield the gavel of power, yet get stool stuck in using it to an advantage. It makes many of us worry about the determination of this “Committee” to get to the bottom of all things considered “Treasonous” even if by virtue an “individual of interest” affiliated with the 117th Congress. Why this “Committee” has not done all it can to make sure a resolution like 406 was allowed a “Committee Vote” all before the investigation went gallivanting off into the sunset. By forcing your hand to force Pelosi and McGovern to understand, in realization that this Ted Lieu “resolution” - one that Raskin and Lofgren cosponsored - that it was paramount the success of any “investigation”. Think for once, how it would have benefited this “Committee’s” January 6th investigation - as a priority it should have been to engage with the other democrats to force a vote followed by a run out so it could become a “law of the land” and probably become the most useful of tools for this Committee’s “mission”. The fact that “resolution” remains “stool stuck” is beyond ignorance, to reiterate this “Committee” should have insisted on getting it through before it engaged in more reckless fascinations to compel individuals of interest involved in either the planning and or participation of that January 6th “coup d’scar”, that “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Constitution. It gives me the sense that there is not a real commitment by Pelosi or this “Select Committee”, just a pacifying lullaby. Had that Lieu resolution been a resource…look, to ask the most recent recipients of a “Select Committee” subpoena to compel and think they will then honor there “Patriotic Duty”, this is that “Crazy Psycho Shit” thinking Cicilline warns us about. Get over it, they have no such honor! I guess the ”Coup d’scar” will be remembered as the “Coup d’scat” as “We the People” are getting shat upon by the very same interests we place our Patriotic faith in. This Beenie Thompson “Bull Scrap” about “must protect the institution”, well it gives constipation its own chapter in the Constitution - aka cowards are afraid. And remember this “TIP”, if the Turncoat goons refuse those subpoenas”, the Sargent-at-arms is at your beckon call to handcuff the bastards. Please get off the Pelosi “stool” and get some “balls” as my Founding Father fort too damn hard for this Eunuch like approach this “Select Committee” seems to adore, just for a romance with stage presence on the Rachel Maddcow show.

With All Doodoo Dildo Respect, Stugots

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