Thursday, May 5, 2022

DeNAZIfication v. DeNUTSification

Wow, it appears that February 2022 meant not one but two “February Surprises”. First “Surprise” was the unprovoked “DeNAZIfication” Rashist invasion by Russian Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin on his friendly neighbor, that being Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Ukraine. What’s in a name, “imir” or “ymyr”? See, when “imir” is used like with the “Russian Rashist” punk, it is a namesake that which relates to “Olga the Whore”, who gave birth to a “Royal Bastard”. But this “bastard” and his Trump pennis envy attack on innocent Ukrainians, wherein 40-million hard-working proletariats were minding their own business, wherein income earners carving out a simple living to feed and fend for a family while their kids went to school and played at the neighborhood playgrounds “life is good.”, or was so. But now, the once peace and quiet is under constant air-raid like attacks, by the illegitimate Russian War Whore in command, the “Perils of Olga” for giving birth to a “bastard”! Too bad “abortions” where not allowed when mistress “Olga” got raped by a Russian King, as bringing to life on earth a ”Lucifer Child” is beyond human decency gone away in decay. But here we are, wherein since that “February Surprise” it means Putin’s edict of a “special military operation” mandating a “scorched earth” and a shadow-docket aiding & abetting rape by the Rashist Russian perverted soldiers…sad state of affairs. Then we hear of the attack on the United States, through a silent but alienating shadow-docket attack about to make Putin’s war in human atrocities miniscule in comparison, wherein this other invasion means 168-million “Woman” will be subjects of “incest” interest under a “false flag” attack, signifying that “Woman is the Nigger of the World” still.  “We make her bear and raise our children - And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen - We tell her home is the only place she should be - Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend - Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is - If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with - Oh woman is the slave to the slaves - Yeah, alright - Yes she is.” And there is a juxtaposition connection, these “February Surprises” as Putin held communicable disease ties with Donald Trump and this attack on “American Woman” is orchestrated as a payback ritual, by a handful of Morons that are no different then the Russian oligarchs that found affordable power and accommodating money by kissing the O’Bitch’s ass. Power hungry piss-ants that think they can get away with a ”Murder Most Foul” reasoning in jurisprudence, I am talking the present day United States Supreme Court and its jesters. Kissing ass is that stamp of approval herein also, move over rover here comes Donald Trump’s golden poop-shoot! Yes, the women of America are now under “attack” by the United States Supreme Court “jesters”, because the ass kissing has addicted the High Court to another fun filled adventure, called ass licking lick away our “Constitutional” freedoms all pucker holes are not created equal.  When you read the “Abortion Ban Draft” authored by Sam Alito, that which makes “rape and incest” once again a favorite pastime for the “freedom caca caucus cause”, no doubt something has gone terribly wrong with jurisprudence, as the Constitutional “peace accord” that prevented this kind of attack has been breached, after some 49-years. Castrated, therefore the DeNUTSification finds meaning akin to the DeNAZIfication proceeds. Precedence-set is now meaningless, and thus we see the fallout of Baby Brett Kavanaugh’s “opine” in Trump v. Select Committee, wherein the legitimacy of that precedence-set and binding contributions to that once almighty “setting” was sabotaged as a prelude for bigger and better targets, so that the precedence-set protecting Roe v. Wade could be erased away at the wink of an eye. And the sad fact, Jester Baby Brett Kavanaugh and Illegitimate Jester Amy Cootie Barrett and Illegitimate Norm Gorsuch and Imposter Alito, they are all in competition as the 2022 recipient of the Joe Wilson “YOU LIE” award, as each justice before being sworn in as a jester, they all said that “precedence-set” ruled their conviction to maintain the “High Court’s” status-quo. Look, the only reason the “Highway Robbery Court” is in a mood to overturn precedence-set obligations - by throwing Roe vs. Wade to the wolves - it is the fact that the incest and rape that will follow that abortion outlawed, it allows Morons to keep alive when better off dead. Well that gives the GOP more voting rights when the “bastards” are indoctrinated into the GOP cesspool of fools. Look, we have not a U.S. Supreme Court, as when the imposter president, the ass-wipe of Putin that planned and engaged in that January 6th “coup d’scar”, that and those gavel swinging jesters that were nominated to dominate, it appears “Patriotism” was checked-out at the bench. It was checked-out at the swinging dick door, as those Putin puss ball justices should have immediately resigned. They were nominated by a Treasonous Turncoat and seated by a Confederate! What happened to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”? Look, men in black panties the Cootie Phooey in a Marjorie Soylent Greene “jockstrap”, fromunder is taking over and it stinks. Said again, based on the fact that they were nominated by a Treasonous Turncoat, “We the People” are under attack. Dear Vladimir, if you decided to lash out at “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with a “nuke”, please target the U.S. Supreme Court, as I am sure if that institute were to survive a “nuke blast” on a first strike, they would then rule in opinion that you held the right to do so, to unleash an “Armageddon” on our “abortion” rights. Take that back, an attack it is on “Women’s Rights” and that is how it works in Rashist Russia - according to the Supreme Court, can’t beat their meat join them. But it is no longer a law-abiding nation when this precedence-set thing is a random chance in occurrence, it is all based on “Crazy Psycho Shit & Legitimate Political Discourse” and we should have braced for this attack a long time ago. But like we gave the Confederate soldiers amnesty following the Civil War, wherein rape was also a trait of those fighting for Mitch McConnell, well I guess we did not learn from our mistakes and now “Don’t Tread on Me” is extinguished by “I Really Don’t Care DO U”! Dear Chief Jester John Roberts, what is an “egregious breach of trust” is how you are allowing a once cherished institute go to hell! Like Pope Francis called out Patriarch Kirill as “Putin’s Altar Boy”, please STOP being Donald Trump’s “Faulter Ego Boy”!

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