Friday, April 1, 2022

Pelosi's Selective Insurgency

BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol, along with the FOUR missing-formation members in vacancy status;

April 1st, 2022

Dear Select Committee;

I don’t know if this is an April Fool’s Day joke on my behalf, but the “House Rules” switchboard is telling me, in what appears to welcome “suspiciously clouded transparency”, that the holdup of Representative Ted Lieu’s House Resolution #406 - Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution - as introduced on May 17th of 2021 with 16-cosponsors, that the “House Rules” is waiting on the “Select Committee” to give the “Green Light” for this most critical resolution to become legislation? No doubt, legislation that which would benefit beyond expectations the “Committee” in its investigation of the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. So if not an April Fool’r, what’s up, is the “Committee” afraid of Ted’s resolution consistent with that “must protect the institution” framework which means who gives a rat’s ass about what really happened? I am dumbfounded that it has been almost a year shy a month since Ted introduced a resolution that is so needed today and it is in limbo still…and wait there’s more. Ted introduced that same resolution under #1029 with the 116th Congress, before this “Committee” convened wherein Zoe and Jamie were cosponsors and like we are seeing today, it went into the waste basket for reasons unknown as it appears the “transparency” with House Speaker Pelosi’s “House Rules” is like what one would only expect under a Putrid Putin like rule. I am serious, as the time in the cell I spent trying to get information on this resolution and its status, it was a mind-blowing expedition into the depths of the unknown and is not how I had come to understand the workings of Democracy after 70-years as an American Patriot. Please become honest with “We the People” as to why this “Committee” in all its merits is so afraid of pushing through a must needed tool, that Ted Lieu 406, that which could have already been utilized against individuals that have laughed at the subpoenas issued by Bennie Thompson and then we would not have to hear all the crying babies of this “Committee” on national TV, in complaint that DOJ daddy Merrick is not doing his job. Talk about stepping up to the plate, it is a two-way street! And if it is Pelosi that is behind the resolution in stall pattern, we should be made aware of that, as a bad hair day taking preference over must needed legislation is not what Democracy is all about.

Stugots - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party 

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