Friday, April 1, 2022

SCOTUS Cover-Up!

BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol, along with the FOUR missing-formation members in vacancy status;

April 1st, 2022

Dear Select Committee;

This is a TIP - Time to subpoena Brett Kavanaugh

With the most recent revelations from the “Select Committee” with respect to the fact that Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas was involved in the planning of the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol, in concert a direct involvement with Donald John Trump, it is appreciated that the “Committee” is seeking, or such is under closed-door consideration, her involvement revealed under-no-oath through a “Friendly Fire Invite”. Such calling upon to honor her Patriotic duty to talk about that involvement, even though a subpoena under-oath “so help me God” would be preferred. But what is all too important on the same subject matter, the “Select Committee” should immediately “subpoena” Justice Brett Kavanaugh, as it appears the United States Supreme Court may be in a “cover-up” mood over the above mentioned “relationship” and that “cover-up” could be consequential now that Donald Trump has begun to use the “High Court” of this land, in recent appeals arguing “absolute immunity”. In the SCOTUS “opine” delivered on or about January 18th in a verdict handed down by the “Court” in an 8-1 vote of confidence against Donald Trump with respect to that “absolute immunity” in privilege, it was Kavanaugh that penned the disgraceful 4-pages “only” decision. An unusual short-circuiting verdict, it is very unusual by this “Court” in what has been demonstrated in past decisions bound, the outcome in droves of legal ramblings with every case that showed any affiliation listed and debated and every “i” dotted “t” crossed. And it was handed down as a non-binding not a precedence-set verdict, which means there existed chaos within the Robert’s Court. That can only be attributed to Clarence Thomas, possibly in the last minute that it was learned by the Court itself that the Thomas’ were somewhat involved in the “Coup”, even if through a spousal relationship it tainted the “Court’s” jurisprudence in independence, yet instead of recusing himself away from the case in Trump v. Thompson, Mr. Thomas was the only sitting Justice that ruled in favor of Donald Trump in “absolute immunity”. And now we may be getting an understanding as to why, why no recusal but for in protection of his spouse’s involvement. Yet Kavanaugh was not delighted that he had to rule against Trump, that can most likely be said for Alito and Gorsuch and Barrett, all Trump confidants. So it appears that the “chaos” caused the “Court” to issue a ruling that was different then what we had seen in the past, because of the Clarence Thomas and Ginni Thomas involvement in the “coup”. There exists no other reason why the Robert’s Court issued that verdict. It was based on “dicta” and that is exactly what it was, not from the District Court’s former ruling in over-reach, but the same speaks for itself what was going on with the Supreme Court at the time it was hearing on appeal that which finds a case that affects the wherewithal of this “Select Committee”. So it is something “We the People” need answers upon, as if the Robert’s Court has engaged in a cover-up for Clarence and Ginni Thomas, this is an insurgency onto itself that which attacks the jurisprudence of this land sea to shining sea. It is time to subpoena Brett Kavanaugh to get the scoop on what the Justices understood when it was ruling upon the merits of the Trump v. Thompson case, and if indeed there came a cover-up because Justice Clarence Thomas placed his relationship over duty to country, then it needs to be front and center our attention as this could mean that the January 6th “coup” is still in progress and attacking DEMOCRACY still, and on the “Select Committee’s” watch.

Stugots - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party 

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