Monday, March 28, 2022

TOOTHLESS Select Committee

Dear "Toothless 1/6 Committee"...what Laurence Tribe just said! TOOTHLESS, pinch yourselves, as when a Harvard scholar of Constitutional law an "expert" in this field makes such a remark, as a "TIP" maybe this "Toothless Committee" should close up shop NOW. Please DO NOT waste anymore U.S. Taxpayers $loot$ on a "Toothless Fairy" outcome fascination. One would think that by now Schiff & Raskin would understand the "agony of defeat" and find a new outlet to ejaculate disgruntlement. If all "We the People" get out of this "Toothless" nothingburger $2-million "investigation" is a Portnoy's Complaint report...for real you are contemplating another "referral" to the DOJ? And we thought Putin was demonized by "Crazy Psycho Shit" fantasies! And if so this Pelosi "Committee" was supposed to be for real and really wanted to get to the bottom of that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack”, how come the members have not tried in vain to get Ted Lieu's "Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution 406" through the Pelosi controlled “House Rules”. That is something the “Legitimate Political Discourse” cannot even challenge! Is it all because Beenie Thompson is afraid it could disrupt his “must protect the institution”? If this “Committee” has balked on its responsibility in efforts to protect its own “institution” over the fact there came an “insurrection”, well that is what Putin gets away with!

Pelosi’s Stoolstuck Scorecard:

Mark Meadows DOJ referral - 104 days of TOOTHLESS Nothing

Ted Lieu’s 406 referral - 315 days of TOOTHLESS Nothing

And “We the People” wonder why DEMOCRACY is…TOOTHLESS! 

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