Sunday, March 27, 2022

Our Leader v. Their Dumbass

I guess it is like “Democracy” v. “Communism”! OK “Our Leader”, none other than Joe Biden, 46th President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America. And with that speech in Poland, surely Joe made America genuine again! Now with the “Their Dumbass”? Like in the “Dumbass of Donbas” as this Vladismear Vladimirobitch Putin now claims to want only a yield of control on the Donbas and Oblast area of Ukraine - which he already maintained a regime change over before his tenderfoot girl scouts were sent on a ”training-wheel mission” to invade Zelenskyy’s entire country! Yes, Putin’s virgin warriors in worry that they were not prepared to fight off grandma taking up arms, would have performed better selling the patriotic citizens of Ukraine “Girl Scout” cookies! So this “Putin New Deal”, it is a “fake out” so the lunatic in his belligerent “Crazy Psycho Shit” of “Legitimate Political Discourse” can save face with his Donald Trump like supporters. So YES, “Dumbass” fits Putin wears it well as do members of the Turncoat Congress that aligned themselves with this “Dumbass” that is now forcing under-aged girls deported to Russia to satisfy the PolitGaetz pervert addiction. And YES again, so glad that Joe Biden is not afraid to tell the “Truth”, that the World is looking for a “regime change”, as having a “Dumbass” with his finger on the Red Russian Rooster “fail deadly” button, that when push comes to shove will attempt to “blow us all to smithereens” - hopefully there is another Stanislav Petrov amongst the Russians, as Joe also made it clear that “Russians are not our enemy”. Petrov, a graduate of the KVIV Military Aviation Engineers Academy, when KVIV was still part of the Soviet Union and upon receiving his marching orders, was one of the guys that would sit so patiently, listening and watching for the U.S. to launch a “First Strike” nuclear weapon…which meant “and the war’s begun. Oh Alvin Tostig has a son today”! Now in 1983, there came a Putin like “false flag” that warned Petrov, who was on duty at the Soviet Union’s lookalike NORAD, alarming that 5-missles had been launched from the U.S. towards Russia. Yet so well trained and bestowed a talent of human dignity, Petrov disobeyed the order to inform his boss, that which would have demanded a retaliatory strike be deployed against “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” ask questions later. That Petrov disobedience was against “Soviet Military Protocol”, he could have been sent to solitary confinement in a Russian Gulag, yet it saved the world from destruction. Petrov knew there was something wrong with the Soviet’s early warning eavesdropping system, as to launch only 5-missles was stupid reasoning. Because this Russian hood-wanking “false flag” thing is “STUPID” to begin with, and the “Dumbass of Donbas” is wanting so bad to use it to get his girl scouts out of a jam! NO, Joe Biden’s speech was not a “False Flag” it was an accurate assessment of where we are at in the global perspective of that “human dignity”. Now Petrov became a hero to the world, lost his job and was poisoned! That is how the “Dumbass Kingdom” rewards skilled workers! See, somebody in the Soviet Union wanted that “false flag” to start a “whoopee we’re all going to die”! Look, Putin is deranged, he is a lunatic not to forget a bastard, a butcher and a thug but still in bed with Donald Trump. So YES, “Our Leader” knew exactly what he was broadcasting, as it takes a true Irishmen to understand an Irishmen and there was no blarney in Joe’s calling out what is needed to stabilize the World. And of course there exists more Petrovs in the “Fatherland”! Matter of fact, I hope and pray that the entire “working class” of Russia proper have that in them such guts to defy any “Putin Madman Protocol”, and thus take matters unto their own desires there be a destiny for a future - to see the “Dumbass” placed in cuffs then taken away to a “slave labor camp” for the rest of his career. Dear comrades, can someone remove the Donald Stump MAGA dildo from the anal orifice of the “Dumbass”? Please, for sake of our children and your children how about the children your Fuck’n Moron has murdered in an illogical killing spree in Ukraine, as Putin is indeed a “butcher”. But Biden knows it will happen, this “regime change” as the “Dumbass” has worn out his welcome and he doesn’t have Donald Trump around to give him amnesty down at Mar-a-lago with Matt Gaetz. So best the Russian troops in Ukraine order not more munitions, but instead place rush orders for “Girl Scout” cookies, then maybe these Russian punks in uniform and diapers can save face by getting a smile back on the people that have been so brutally attacked in the year 2022. Vladismear Vladimirobitch Putin must go, either through a surrender or maybe a Stanislav Petrov…Commander on the bridge, you have your marching orders!

And for the “children” of Ukraine…

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