Thursday, March 10, 2022

Select Committee Selective Lying

Dear Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol;

As a “TIP” please STOP the LIE, as “We the People” know better!

SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE - The Select Committee is properly composed pursuant to House Resolution 503[MEADOWS v. PELOSI (1:21-cv-03217), 3/4/2022].

The above “Defense” in which the Select Committee is party, it is NOT a True Statement and any kindergartener understands 13-members minus 9-members does not equal a “properly composed” balance, as the deficit means there exists “vacancies” of 4-members. It is a “Lie” detected by “Pursuant to the authorities set forth in House Resolution 503”, which is how every subpoena issued by this “Committee” begins, which orchestrates the wherewithal of the “authority” under House Resolution 503 to make sure this Congressional Resolution is maintained to its fullest extent and highest degree of law abiding legislation. And as found in 503, it states “Any vacancy in the Select Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.” And according to the “Select Committee’s” website, an official government site so finds no room for “Lies”, only the membership of 9 is listed. So either STOP the “Lie” or cease & desist any further investigatory action until such time Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp are sworn in and then the “Select Committee” is fit for duty to continue on its mission with a full posse, “pursuant” to the House Resolution 503 - else this is “Premeditated Trespass” on the American Citizens placing faith in the U.S. Congress.

On another matter that may be considered on the path to yet another “Big Lie”, while “We the People” were encouraged by the Committee Chair - Mr. Bennie Thompson - in December of 2021, that there would commence “Public Hearings” on the investigation “sometime in the 1st quarter of next year”. So it appears some “mission slip”, as it appears now that subpoenas will now require additional delay times well into April which is the 2nd quarter, so some honesty would be appreciated. What’s the holdup?

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