Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Pelosi “You Lie”, It is WWIII!

To: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

CC: BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol, along with the FOUR missing-formation members in vacancy status;

Dear House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

YOU LIE! Hold your hissy-fit let me explain. Many of us remember the time when GOP Representative Joe Wilson attacked the honor of Congress in concert with verbal defecation upon the Commander-in-Chief, in trespass in yelling out “YOU LIE”, when the Honorable Barack Obama was delivering a nationally televised “State of the Union”. Well, I can once again hear that “YOU LIE” loud and clear in the motion that was filed on your behalf by the House Counsel, in answer the commotion complaint filed by Mark Meadows against your half-baked “Select Committee” chaired by Bennie Thompson. Yes half-baked, as there exists 4-vacancies, and the House Resolution 503 which guides the principals allowing this “Committee” to exist is in denial the inherent “shall(s)” clause which finds but for no excuse. I am ashamed that because you could not get your way with the membership originally decided upon in a bipartisan “Democratic Oath” approach, wherein Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy like it or leave it followed the “rules” therefore should not have mattered what the GOP promised in snake-oil support, that would have allowed for a full posse of members in attendance to address the issues consistent the reason behind this “Committee’s” existence, ashamed that you have reneged and continue on even today in disrespect for that Resolution’s requirements. Like the “law of the land” for you is like a traffic light to an inebriate, just a suggestion.  And to make matters worse off, today because of that dereliction to hide away from the truth of the matter, we get nothing short a LIE. And now that LIE is entered as sworn to testimony, someone could be in serious trouble for this! In brief:

SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE - The Select Committee is properly composed pursuant to House Resolution 503.

It is NOT so, it is IMproperly composed pursuant to 503! The above “DEFENSE” is that “YOU LIE” and should be reconsidered as the SIXTH UNSURVIVABLE LULABY, as it is now entered before the U.S. District Court in appearance to be a questionable answer - in MEADOWS v. PELOSI (1:21-cv-03217), as the House Resolution which established this “Select Committee” is as follows I suggest you and Mr. Thompson read it out loud, have cookies and warm milk and take an afternoon nap:

H.Res.503 — 117th Congress (2021-2022) Passed House (06/30/2021)

This resolution establishes in the House of Representatives the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.

The select committee consists of 13 Members of the House appointed by the Speaker; 5 must be appointed after consultation with the minority leader. The resolution gives the select committee specified powers, including the authority to hold hearings, receive evidence, and issue subpoenas. It also requires other House committees to share relevant records with the select committee within 14 days of the resolution's adoption or receipt of such records.


(a) Appointment Of Members.—The Speaker shall appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.

(b) Designation Of Chair.—The Speaker shall designate one Member to serve as chair of the Select Committee.

(c) Vacancies.—Any vacancy in the Select Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

And as of this day the “Appointment of Members” only yields a head count of 9, the same headcount since this “Committee” commenced to do business when it was already in violation of its own charter, which means there exists “vacancies”, so the math doesn’t add up to this “properly composed” ask any kindergartener. And to force the legal counsel to throw this “crap” around as a “Fake Defense”, this is truly an UN-American “Douglas” letting us down a dead-end street called desire in dysfunctionality! This speaks of Trumpism! And Mr. Thompson is also to blame, to convene the investigation and never once taking the time to fill those vacancies along the way in accordance with the 503 rules, as if the intent was to deny the existence of rules which govern important objectives and this kind of dereliction finds a conviction with a single purpose - a give not a rat’s ass attitude. And all this hoopla with your preferential “Speech & Debate”, more like a “Reach & Deceit” bowel movement. But of course the “civil lawsuits” filed by members of Congress, those that survived the January 6th ordeal but face a grim reality future with “severe emotional distress” so in “Prayer for Relief” they need $punitive$ and $compensatory$ damage awards, sure they are getting their money’s worth already in that “Out-Reach & Deceit”, as Mr. Thompson is doing one heck of a job collecting evidence “that will be used against you in a court of law”, for free the members of Congress will be able to use anything and everything that is collected to make $money$. Yes, using government lawyers so they don’t have to foot the bill! Above the law? No different then Donald Trump’s malignant behaviors! Said again, “We the People” can read and “We the People” can still perform Simple Simon math, so what’s your problem? So please STOP your legal counsel from trying to pull the wool over this patriotic American, and to use the jurisprudence of the Court for “Fake”? I bring this directly to your attention and that of the “Select Committee”, as there is no way I would get any feedback from the legal counsel as I am not party to this lawsuit, yet I am an American Citizen, so in that due respect a “party” that should be able to voice such concerns. Especially when this “Committee” finds that the meaning of “shall” has not any buoyancy, as it is found in the wording of H.Res.503 under “Vacancies” in “shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment(s)”. Today it finds no adherence, and when such rules are broken, so is Democracy denied a chance to survive. It is pathetic that a person in your position would think otherwise - and I am a Democrat and would want to be on your side if that side was all in favor of saving the Founding Fathers’ Democracy, but with this kind of performance wherein IMAGE over Country is the bounty - it stinks and Democracy sinks to new lows and Donald John Trump continues to Putinize our existence!

With that said, I am asking for your fullest cooperation, that which requests in merit that the Select Committee investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol temporarily “Cease & Desist” any further investigatory obligation, as this is the kind of menace that can spoil a “good faith” intent - that being a disregard for the “rules”. So please STOP any further escalation of unworthiness by the “Select Committee” its vacancies until such time all the “shalls” are in commitment of the “Resolution” binding, fill the vacancies according to the rules. If you cannot find anybody to fill those remaining “Vacancies”, I volunteer my services in efforts to help this investigation move forward and you will not have to worry about this individual making “Crazy Psycho Shit” up, like “must respect the institution” and that “part and parcel guilty” and you will never see my mugshot on the MSNBC prime-time romancing the stool.

PS: Do Not have your legal counsel bother me with some off the wall excuse that it was correct in entering that SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE “nonsense” as “WE the PEOPLE” are not stupid, like I eluded upon already, just ask any kindergartner the math behind this “properly composed” composure. I have belief in the necessity of this “Select Committee”, yet when we see “YOU LIE” promoted as a defense because you could not have it your way then lied about the “Composition” in a Court venue wherein that sworn oath is paramount success in jurisprudence, this is pure ignorance and we are watching and somewhat appalled. So if you want my services have one of your MSNBC goons reach out for “Stugots” of the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party, to “call home”, and I will answer that call to help out “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in rescuing the Founding Fathers’ Democracy sinking with a “Select Committee”…for real, your House Legal Counsel just gave Donald Trump 60-more days another  “extension” in his SCOTUS failed “Executive Privilege” claims “so that Plaintiff can determine his next steps.”? That was the same damn excuse Trump used 30-days ago? And what next steps? Appears the lawyers are making a “Murder Most Foul” game out of this January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” and like I have mentioned before, the House Speaker is not serious about that event, as if Nancy Pelosi and Bennie Thompson were indeed inclined to respect any “serious”, then how come Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” is stalled again, and again in your own damn democratic owned “House Rules”. Yes, the Truth hurts, as some of us know exactly what is going on, a BIG NOTHING.


Like Putin, Twitter KILLS World Order

Twitting & Tweeting the ENEMY

OK, what it means is condoning the “MADMAN” destroying a country with Twitter-Dee and Twitter-Dumb finding comfort in “aiding & abetting” that maniac ENEMY in that “Crazy Psycho Shit” pursuit. See, in that “all good men come to the aid of their country”, what my father taught me with an iron ruler for such never to forget my dedication to Patriotism, in that pursuit I was booted off that TWITTER stage! “Sorry Your Account has Been Suspended”, something about violating a rectal enema policy wherein even under attack anal depositories rule, wait there is more even when the threat of Nuclear Armageddon keeps us awake. Yes to go where no “patriotic” man has gone before, my car keys to TWITTER taken away, and if in peace time would not be any great loss. But this Maniac that Trump finds a fascination, he is killing 6-year old girls, there should be no rules that restrict inciting whatever it takes to STOP this Madman! And this involuntary surrender of a tool that can and should be used against this Madman under the terms of endangerment whatever is at our disposal all hands on deck, even before Lindsey Graham went on the Dorsey throne and talked about “taking this Madman out”. And Lindsey then followed his “call to action a regime change” on the FOX, that maybe Barney Fife can muster up a holster posse…forget it. But I was booted off this waste your time some more finger-fucking extravaganza, because I broke one of the Bozo Brother gangs’ “social goon suppressing network” rules of the road - that we must be nice to thy neighbor. Breaking News: 18-month old boy killed by the Madman’s bullets. No argument the latter “love thy neighbor” as we are our brother & sisters’ keeper, but when an individual is kicked off for breaking a “rule” that finds merit, then the algorithm that Dorsey is using to filter out the abusers, it is a “Killer of Democracy” and World Peace. And if my message was of no clear and present danger but for a single exception that “Madman” that needs a bunker 6-feet under, what the freeloading gives? It all came down when I posted a gift-of-gab that talked about Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin’s once-upon-a-time “Boss”, the Madman’s mentor. Leonid Shebarshin was the First Chief Directorate, a KGB monkfish and Putin was an underling under Leonid’s wing. “Monkfish”? Sea devils that eat themselves! Now Leonid decided that the best thing to do with the Makarov 9-mm pistol, a gift from the KGB upon retirement, well to blow his brains out. And I was merely suggesting through the Twitter-Dee Twitter-Dumb platform that Vladismear Vladimirobitch Putin perform the same kind of “HONOR SUICIDE”. I mean what else can we ask for in relief, as this man that is a Ted Kaczynski wannabe hates mankind in exception Putin has intentions to maybe not allow history to be nice to him - for his invasion of Ukraine. OK, after a nuke is ignited and the sintered human bones are all that is left, the books will be smoldering to ashes - so “History” is then nonexistent when the smoke clears away. There is but for only two ways out of this Madman’s mistake, either we commence to continue to apply pressure from outside of Russia so that it interferes with the Sputnik way of life, then the Motherland “working class heroes” exercise a retreat away from respect, and enough is enough and we see another Russian February Revolution - that commenced in February 1917 but ended in March - so the timing for such is NOW my proletariat comrades! OK my TWITTER feed instructed Putin to place the barrel of his own KGB issued Makarov - fully loaded - in his mouth and pull that finicky trigger 8x, case closed nothing lost clean up the blood and guts from that 30-foot table, we don’t need that kind of manners anymore. So because I mentioned the word “suicide”, well Mr. Twitter got upset, even though it was a path forward for that insane retard madman that is threatening to use nuclear weapons to satisfy his craving for Trumpism. Look, many are saying that Putin thought that America would not care as his entourage of soldiers-in-training tried to take over Ukraine, not the case so Putin has failed miserably, and “History” will not be nice to him. So I am sure he has every intention to start WWIII, except it will never get to the stage of any “legitimate political discourse” success, as it has “Vaporization” written all over it. OK, best be honest with ourselves, it is WWIII already! So Twitter should have endorsed my suggestion to Putin, but instead I get kicked off the platform because it could invite a “suicide”. Dear Stupidity, that was the intent. So I am glad I have been booted away from this waste of time…and to those still out there, best use what time is left enjoying life without that Ma Bell interfering with “Liberty”, just calculate how much time you have already wasted on this crap stage that gives not a rat’s ass about anything except the $loot$ it uproots to support “Greed”, so it appears has contributed nothing to Mankind! PS: Mr. Putin, place Makarov in mouth and salute the Motherland! TWITTER, thanks for helping Putin survive another day as kids are being annihilated and your platform gives us the gory details in living color!

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