Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Trump v. Do, Rei, Me 1 thru…

If I were Trump’s lawyer…look Donald John Trump will never have to face the verdict in accountability any punishment that erectile dysfunction with his insecure insurrectionists. It was a complete fromunder failure, it did not work just like this notion the Rex Tillerson Moron can be held accountable for an attempt by “faithless” electors to sabotage Joe Bidens career. And that January 6th feeble attempt to show the world we never should have closed down the “Lunatic Asylums” so no wonder his minion’s from above are so damn concerned about the word getting out who came up with this Mad Magazine comic relief coward’s plan - Steve, Mark, Stephen quick come see there goes that Robert E. Lee please follow, it’s time again for your daily Henry Murray “mind games” suppository therapy. Get over it, as it was a Sad Sack state-of-affairs, and if this is what my New England Patriot upbringing says to worry about - nothing to fear no sleepless nights in my foc’sle. For real, just re-wind watch that January 6th event on the you-boob-tube dubbed with Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage…“The lunatic is in the Hall”! But it is not over with just yet, as a recent dedication in payback by the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Jesters Saturday Night Special, it is testament that “We the People” must endure another chapter to that yellow matter custard Mad Man’s playbook. Matter of fact in the belly of the yellow, the “Select Committee” that thinks it is on to something a “mission lost in the space of a rat’s race”, it may endure the burden of paying off the Moron’s legal fees for entertaining a frivolous undertaking - which means “double jeopardy”. Take that back, as during the Nancy LousyLollaPelosi Beenie Thompson hairball “gagathon”, not only did the taxpayers’ pay for that extravaganza, and now a smart Trump lawyer vows to establish heresy and gets to claim “reasonable attire costs”? That is the “double edged MAGA dildo” standard in effect - as we also paid the members of that “Eunuch Committee” a handsome salary. So we were struck 3-times, that same ratio used by Mr. Trump to inflate his property values for his wealth pedopropertyphile addiction and then at the same time with such an under evaluation in taxation the reason today 3-times as many potholes street-to-shining-street big enough to swallow Sam Alito’s ego. And Kavanaugh with his 9-0 sweeping victory in Trump v. Decency, well it sets the stage for providing a shelter to protect Mr. Trump, with thicker skin then what is found surrounding a nuclear reactor core - as indeed the Moron is in “meltdown” because he lost the Oval Office cheeseburger privilege. Look, I despise the bastard and his entire Dysentery “Marjorie Soylent Greene” Dynasty. If Greene were the last…forget about it I believe in celibacy. This marriage, with Trump and his followers, it gives the “pigsty” compassionate relief in comparison. So why am I trying to tell a story that may help Mr. Trump out of a jam - to show how stupid we are and how we fell right into his Supreme Jesters trap! Trump lost a “midget” battle with his attempt to say he still held the school yard bully hand cuffs - aka “Executive Privilege” - to hide away in indecent confinement the “sticky notes” used for his daily 3-squares a day cheeseburger habit, stuffing his gullet while watching soap operas. “Padding Out his Belly” the chuck-wagon would say. Praytell we were so lucky that was his main objective in life, no sex, no exercise, no booze, just a boob-tube Cheeto-lay habit. So it was of no surprise that when the U.S. Capitol came under “Attack” on January 6th, because soon he would be paying for those cheeseburgers out of his own pocketbook cooking, that he serenaded his addiction in dereliction with Pepsi no coke. And in between the Wimpy force-feeding frenzy, cheering on the riot like he was back on Vince McMahon’s fake stage arena of “Big Time Wreslemania”. What, me a job? And what is truly sad about that day, the way those under “Attack” hid their Patriotism! For real not kidding show US some balls! Where was Maxine? Where was Warren? Coward ring a bell, they are members of the U.S. Congress all 541 that maintain a contingency of at least 5-aides because they cannot wipe their own asses nor chew gum and legislate at the same time you get my point - did not they all take an oath to protect “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” upon any and all “Attacks” at any expense without care of life, liberty or happiness? Not a tricky dick question, all able-bodied Americans know the answer without any hesitation, it’s in the “Pledge of Allegiance”. Wow, hold back the anger Jerry Geronimo, but I am not kidding! See, I worked many years on the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, in the middle of nowhere a cold and brutal environment 365 days a year. And due the fact we were dealing with boatloads of hazardous material millions of gallons of crude oil barrel assing along that pipe, we practiced as “First Responder” rescue workers and firemen and fishermen you name it. Look, there was not an “Emergency Room” nearby in that wilderness, nor a Fire Station, with something that looked like a road in and out and no gas stations in between this “nothing” and there were times when the wind would blow the same snow for days, back and forth, so good luck calling in a medivac it ain’t happening today. Minus 50, it is cold! So we were prepared for the worse, including what to do if the “pump station” came under attack by “Terrorists”. There was no “hide away” plan in effect in that type of situation, no desks to cattle under, it meant fighting and we were good at handling an 18” Rigid pipe-wrench. And in the element of surprise, we understood the layout of the land, an advantage to any hostage taking situation. Forgot one thing, no cops this far in the “nothing” so no 911 to call, maybe once in a while a fish and game guy would show up at the camp for lunch. Besides that, we were on our own. No different then that January 6th “Attack” this sentiment “Be Prepared” the old Boy Scout “motto” I grew up with. As early on it was easy to see that those “Brain Damaged” insane idiots that could not resist Trump’s temptation in temper tantrum mood, they had no idea what they were getting into, and since members of Congress live in the “chambers”, they had the advantage of understanding the layout for success at arresting any coup d’état! Especially if that “Attack” was planned by a “Moron. So what was the problem that day? What happened to Country before…Hey, practice makes perfect we learned it all in kindergarten. So out on the line, which in time had become a lifeline for crude oil deliveries to the West Coast refineries so Californians did not have to spend all their free time in “gas lines” wherein fist-fighting became a pastime, we took our fascination with a terrorist attack seriously. We were never afraid, and at times due the fact we practiced for such an event as the Main Office on Bragaw was in constant alert and detection of “credible” threats - from crazed individuals to sinister environmental enthusiasts followers of Charles Hamel - well, some of my co-workers were hoping for it to happen - that some insane person or jihad like following would come out of the wilderness woodwork and try to sabotage the pipeline. And it was close to Russian territory, wherein in the winter we could see Soviet subs break through the polar ice caps, so another fear factor close to our home away from home. As even though there was 800-miles of pipe north from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, it was the “pump stations” that were vulnerable to causing “long term nearly unrecoverable” destruction in oil production through manmade intentional intervention, what was once a safe system. I mean if a crazed individual wanted to wreck-havoc and blow up the pipeline thinking it would prove something, it would be back in operation in a few days as there was a well-planned well-rehearsed contingency for that “what if”. So I ask again, why was not the House & Senate prepared for this event, that was well known about in advance and do not the members of Congress practice for fire drills? Have any idea what kind of self-defense an extinguisher will yield? But you cannot let down your guard and allow the shoplifters to get a hold of that contraband, else it will turn on you! Hunker down hell no, stand up for your rights! So in my field of expertise, we were ALWAYS prepared. And when not at work, we were family men and women, so no way were we going to be bothered in threats by a faction bent on destruction - it felt good having that Rigid under my bed when I was tucked away for the night at Prospect Camp. Hey, that forged steel pipe wrench was also good protection against an angry brown bear, as we would spend time fishing the many streams along the way of the pipeline after work. OK, maybe not fair, as members of Congress should not have to fend for themselves, unless it is a defense as to why they should not be apprehended for “insider trading” - a whole nother story.  But herein is why Trump will win in the end zone. We fumbled! See, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Trump a small “agony of defeat” for purposes of giving him the opportunity going forward to use the covered wagons to surround his “golden showers memoirs”. But in that small lose noose, the “Big Kahuna” shows its ugly face, as the Supreme Court just shat on the merits of legal reasoning, as it must be payback time for Trump’s nominees of the Jester’s Court. For real, in his “opine” Mr. Kavanaugh states in his “Statement Respecting Denial of Privilege”, it deals a blow to the entire legal merits in standing, except for a single individual that being Donald John Trump. By virtue of castrating the lower court’s reasoning, that it was the wrong approach to deny in a carte blanch like “denial” fashion with a former U.S. President, stating that there shall be “Executive Privilege” in confidentiality going forward - like starting next week the next lawsuit filed by Mr. Trump will pave the way for a triumphant victory. Thus the “High Court” ruled that what the “lower court” adjudicated upon, it was not “binding” thus does not “set precedence”. Yes, all 9 jesters shat on legal decency. So in the interim, Mr. Trump lost his request to “stay” any delivery of documents to the “Select Committee”, 700 in total most ripped beyond repair, but sooner then later especially with the heat coming on, well there will be another action in the “lower courts” to allow Mr. Trump “Amnesty”, through the court now under the radar by “Big Daddy Brett”. To allow Mr. Trump to forever exercise that “Executive Privilege”. With that, we will soon see a lawsuit wherein Donald John Trump brings an action against Do, Ri, and Me 1 thru many, to shut the trap anybody that was subpoenaed or has engaged in a “Friendly Fire Invite” with the “Select Committee”, wherein those called upon to spill the beans on what they saw, what they heard and what they did not do when that “riot” unfolded, it will all be sealed and thus “bared” from disclosure. Which means there is no way Trump can be held accountable, except maybe evidence of a cheeseburger habit.  

And without that “evidence” the DOJ will be unable to accomplish anything in the area of “your guilty”. So that 4-page “opine” by the “High Court”, sure it allowed a few pages of Trump’s burger habit memoirs to entertain the members of the “Select Committee”, a short lived victory for the “Committee”, but when the wind blows and the cradle rocks, Trump will find a ways and means to demonstrate that the “High Court” said he still enjoys full faith in his nominees. We are just waiting for that next court appearance as Mr. Trump has the winning hand up his sleeve - it is just a matter of time wherein the significance of Trump v. Do, Ri, Me challenges the wherewithal that some can live above the law abiding as long as they have a few artificials without intelligence in high places. And what is truly amazing, how in hell can we have members of the “High Court” in conscious all in agreement that this “Executive Privilege” is of necessity, that according to Kavanaugh in writing the decision for the Supreme Court in a January 19th unanimous 9-0 verdict all in favor say Aye; 

“A former President must be able to successfully invoke the Presidential communications privi­lege for communications that occurred during his Presi­dency, even if the current President does not support the privilege claim. Concluding otherwise would eviscerate the executive privilege for Presidential communications. By protecting the confidentiality of those internal communications, the Presidential communications privi­lege facilitates candid advice and deliberations, and it leads to more informed and better Presidential decision making. If Presidents and their advisers thought that the privilege’s protections would terminate at the end of the Presidency and that their privileged communications could be disclosed when the President left office, the conse­quences for the Presidency would be severe. Without suffi­cient assurances of continuing confidentiality, Presidents and their advisers would be chilled from engaging in the full and frank deliberations upon which effective discharge of the President’s duties depends.”

So let us focus on this “opine” that now sets the stage for unimaginable consequences, because in this ridiculous notion in motion, it calls for protecting any and all “communications” even if the President was planning an unconstitutional act, for real to protect what was going on behind closed doors, even if it were demonstrated that a “Domestic Terrorist Attack” in the form of a coup was being planned by Mr. Trump, a plan that called to duty his “Militia”. Does the “High Court” have that power in that silver gavel? I guess so, especially if a token of appreciation in payback for a job for life the Jesters’ cave in and give this kind of treasonous, criminal, turncoat and torturous activity “amnesty”! WTF? Ok, we must rethink those insane asylums, as it appears that One First Street has been turned into just that, like Sarah Palin’s 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue does indeed exist in reality as “They're coming to take me away, haha, they're coming to take me away, ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time. And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats. And they're coming to take me AWAY, HA HAAAAA.” As this slick sick “opine” would be so only had not jurisprudence been castrated by a Supreme Court on lobotomy overload.

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