Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Merchant of Venom

Dear Ted Cruz, aka “Merchant of Venom”. What is really offensive is the fact that as a bonifide Canadian born “punk” that reeks of Castro puke filth, you think you have an understanding the standing of a New England “Patriot”. Best “give it up”, as you’ll never grasp the concept of what my Founding Father fort for and represented upon that virtue in “American Only Patriotism”, and he despised Ted Cruz and everything the Canadian “punk” stood for. Ted, why are you afraid to use your real Cuban name, so Rafael “Love it or Leave It” is your calling, embrace the latter and do us all a favor go back home where your Canadian soul-mate will one day be laid to rest. Matter of fact, did not daddy dearest Rafael use the age old tactic of seeking asylum here in the states free at last from Cuba, then used that opportunity to migrate to Canada after an education visa was fulfilled, next stop to freedom, wherein he became a Canadian citizen that would then allow him to migrate back to the states on a work visa, so he could get his family, including Ted to America, and conveniently then dodge “next stop is Vietnam”? Look, there were many ways in wealth and treachery to avoid “Service to Country”. And then when it was all said and done “WAR is over if you want it”, get rid of the Canadian label and become a member of the Red, White and Blue. My take, Ted is just an angry Cuban that has a fantasy of becoming a U.S. President, which he cannot and Thank God “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” as one of those things in the Constitution that remains and keeps us who we are even when offensive bat-shit comes our way from outbreeds born up north.

Ok, best mind my P’s and Q’s as Big Brother Castro may be looking in, Rafael can run for the…let’s hope not because if this offensive piece of Cuban scat ever became Commander-in-Chief, it is Bob Dylan time and “well, she puts her cigar out in my face just for kicks” as Ted is Maggie’s ma and secession would be the Revolution of choice - let Texas be on its own as the “Hate” state. Ted, Rafael, true home-grown Americans sang out loud and clear back in the 70’s, “give Ireland back to the Irish”, same sentiment here with your calling it offensive for…you should have just used the “N” word like you wanted as that was my take-away from your “offensive” comment about Joe Bidens “Supreme Court” possibilities list of “Honorable” black-lives-matter-woman that have served their “Country” by putting up with bigots like yourself, so I sing out loud and clear “give America back to the Americans that were born here under the color of Patriotism”! Pass the hat, send Ted Cruz packing wherein in Canada he can continue to practice his black race abatement fantasy. Ok, he would not get away with this “smug” attitude in prejudice in Canada, so why in hell’s racial caldron does he get to practice such bigotry here in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, because that was his upbringing as a Cuban castaway.

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