Thursday, February 3, 2022

Select Committee - AFRAID


2/3/22, 3:11 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots
Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa
Phone Number: 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

When is Enough just that, ENOUGH?

A TIP: With 60000 documents in evidence, 475 witnesses, STOP wasting the Taxpayers’ $money$ and initiate that report. “We the People” are not excited about a “Public Hearing”, we have better things to do in life - like family matters - it is just a waste of time and time is of the essence. Besides that, if these “waste base hearings” take place, it will most likely be a broadcast in time when True Grit Americans are hard at work, so who will be your audience? And don’t expect us to find any excitement after work, as that won’t work either. So all we need at this juncture is for this “Committee” to engage the “parking break” and in priority that “report”, nothing else. But in all due respect to give this “Committee” some wiggle room, if Mr. Thompson wants to expend more in valuable resources that will not continue to waste my hard-earned taxable income when such is not necessary, then end it all now and forever, subpoena Donald John Trump “Today”. And when he refuses, “Arrest” him. That is what we want to see, he deserves this consideration and we deserve some entertainment and this “Committee” needs to show some semblance of a “bite”, else this hush-puppy bark is meaningless. And my reasoning that Enough is to that point of contention in ENOUGH, I am sick and tired seeing the members show up on the Madcow network, if not every night every other night it seems, 5-minutes claim to more fame great for selling that book. Free TV time in rant with rage trying to soothe slayer us with a serenade the “dog ate my homework - again”, that mood in mode of more nothingness. Which leads me to believe you have no more “umph”, with things in broadcast like this below most recently, yet no clear path to appreciate what to do about it:

The Smoking Gun#1: Rep. Raskin on Trump's 1/30 memo - "Look no further for the Trump smoking gun: he admits his purpose - to overturn the election. His job was to uphold the Constitution, take care that laws would be faithfully executed. He trashed the Constitution and tried to execute the Republic."

The Smoking Gun#2: "Absolutely," Rep. Pete Aguilar of California told CNN's Brianna Keilar on "New Day" when asked if Trump was tampering with witnesses by dangling pardons in front of January 6 defendants. "And I think the question is more from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, you know where -- where are they? Do they support this? When is enough enough?"

The Smoking Gun#3: Adam Schiff on Twitter - “Trump just doubled down, saying he would “absolutely” pardon those responsible for Jan 6. People who beat police officers. Who wanted to hang his VP. He called them patriots. Every day he reminds us of his dangerous unfitness. When a despot threatens democracy, believe him.”

It was Mr. Raskin that said it was that "Smoking Gun", take it from him as gospel! And it is truly sad, like in a dereliction of sworn duty we expect more from our Representatives, when just last night Mr. Raskin made a comment that things were being delayed by those individuals that have decided to defy that subpoena to compel, when Raskin was asked for details on when this “Public Hearing” charades turned tirades was to begin, as we were once told by Mr. Thompson it was supposed to take place already, in the beginning of the new year. And that is a real untrue statement, this “delay” excuse and those of us in the know deserve an apology. Look, we have faith and believe in what this Committee is trying to uncover, but at the same time are sick and tired of this unprofessional attitude where some of the members try to pull the wool, like thou “shat don’t stink”. I am being blunt, love it or leave it. The Committee has at its disposal without hesitation to use its “Inherent Contempt” power, yes to reiterate “Arrest” those that defy a subpoena legally served and causing this so called “delay”. It is not those individuals-of-interest with no interest to place such blame, the problem rests its case with this “Committee” in the fact that for some reason it seems to be afraid of its own “what’s under the hood” in power yielding! And to kick start past performances by members of this committee on that very subject matter, it was Adam Schiff that proposed:

“it would ultimately be up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi whether to use the inherent contempt power. It would represent a “big step” but may be necessary if the Trump administration continues to stonewall Democrats' investigations. We are looking through the history and studying the law to make sure we’re on solid ground. That’s a big step but, look, if we’re going to consider other big steps like impeachment, we have to consider steps like inherent contempt that will allow us to get the information we need. If there is going to be this across the board stonewalling, we are going to have to consider extraordinary remedies.”

And for crying out loud Mr. Schiff, why do you continue to attack Merrick Garland? Maybe there is something going on deep inside the DOJ, that you are not privy to even as a member of the “House”, so why are you trying to sabotage the merits of that element of surprise? All of the above “Committee Member” nonsense in yesterday’s evening breeze less Schiff’s ability to throw Pelosi under the bus! One would think that when Schiff was on the stage to advocate that he was afraid to use the gavel in “Inherent Contempt Arrests”, so would let Pelosi make that call, how long does it take to perform that “looking through history”? Is that what Ted Lieu’s H.Res.406 is stool stuck behind? So is it the House Speaker that is allowing “Amnesty” to those that defy a Congressional “Subpoena”, sure looks as though that is the case, that which is causing these delays! They know they can get away with it and if that be the case, that Pelosi is afraid such drastic measures would ruin her IMAGE, well this “Committee” should voice that to the American Public. We know this “Committee” maintains the “power” to compel, along with the “police power” ability to call the Sergeant-at-Arms to duty to make an “Attachment” - aka “Arrest”, all without the DOJ interfering, and maybe that is why Garland’s DOJ is not so receptive to doing the “Select Committee’s” bidding when it comes to “Contempt”. And Mr. Thompson is of record that he nor the “Select Committee” would hesitate any performance obligations with respect to this “Inherent Power” under the Constitution or words to that effect same effect what he was preaching, but that is exactly what is happening, day in day out in hesitation.

So the puzzle is piece by piece showing a sad state-of-affairs with this “Committee” in its wherewithal to get “tough”. It was a “Domestic Terrorist Attack”, get it! Everyday, it seems just more of the same in ENOUGH, all this hype but “no action” and it does indeed appear that this “Committee” has lost the “bite” and merely pacifying with this “bark”, more of a rage like rant disguising that “afraid” aspect and finding being tough just a fantasy, exactly what the news media has started to predict. Because if you have that much on the Moron, then STOP picking your nose and…indict that ham sandwich!

Look “We the People” are tired of useless “impeachments”, an Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren and Jamie Raskin in their roles as managers in those “nothingburger” specials, trials that are now of record that will never be of any interest to the teachings of history to our youths, well praytell we end up more of the same when this “Committee” finishes exposing that…forget it, as trying to TIP this “Reject Committee” is like asking Donald Trump to admit guilt under oath even if he said so on his stage. Just wish I would have gambled, placing my money on “laughing stock”, as by now this “Select Committee” would have made me rich! Maybe Mr. Trump has invested heavily in that also, would not that be a charm!

It is time to get tough, it is time to shy away from the daily deliveries of nonsense on the MSNBCs, CNNs, until such time you can show us that subpoena for Mr. Trump has been served along with an “Arrest Warrant” already signed by House Speaker Pelosi and in the hands of the Sergeant-at-Arms, just incase Mr. Trump is a NO SHOW. No More Amnesty, for none of the “Domestic Terrorists”, else you are allowing Democracy to drown in Trump’s distemper.



2/3/22, 3:11 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission, unless we determine disclosure is required.

Sincerely, Homeless Man in a van down by the river.

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