Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Chuck Grassley CIRCLE JERK

For real, just yesterday live on national TV, a “Chuck Grassley Circle jerk” amongst a circle of friends - aka “Circle Jerk”! Look we know that senior senile aging sometimes belittles our decency in public, like in a don’t give a shat attitude “I don’t care who is watching say what you will I can piss on that grave”, well Chuck Grassley went stroking his man-hood area, in the Oval Office with V.P. Kamala present as was Joe’s dog “Durbin”.

Thigh body language

Touching the thighs draws attention to them. As the thighs are near the genitals, touching can be very suggestive. The nearer the genitals the hands move, the more inviting it is. Touching the inside of the leg is more suggestive than touching the outside of the leg. When the thighs are rotated apart, they expose the genitals and thus send a very inviting message. For men it says something along the lines 'Hey, look at my great big penis!' For other men, this can mean 'My penis is bigger than yours! Opening the thighs also expose the genitals to attack and this move may also be a power display, saying 'You dare not attack me because I am so powerful. In a relaxed pose, the thighs are typically slightly open, with legs running in parallel from the hips.

See it for yourself, watch Chuck do the STROKE:

Maybe it remains as an after-the-fact attraction, an affection to what went on in the White House Oval Office on January 6th or for that matter every damn day the Fuck’n Moron was trespassing.

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