Monday, February 7, 2022

Schience Sunday 2/6/2022

Sleep Comfort by NATURE

Wow, I’m high! For real, there is nothing better no complaints waking up in the morning feeling a sense of euphoria, a lingering high from the night before. Wherein it is a recovery from the zz can’t be topped. When that “sky high” allows a disconnect of mind and body for some bargaining in separation for the duration - a highway to heaven! Then when the cock crows and that calling card commences a soft landing “back together again” it is perfect realignment, like a recalibrating that sense of awareness - wow it feels so damn good and not hard to explain. And not from any “pot” or Mad Dog this experience in experimentation, but good old country comfort - a salad. Yes nothing exciting, “cellophane flowers of yellow and green” is all it takes. OK, living leaves. And I’m not the only soul reliving the 60’s theme in “Peace, Love, Dope” with this new-found friend. Schience - science with an “h” for hangover - now believes that earthly “greens”, when consumed in the “Last Supper” ritual, well it undergoes a transformation in the gut wherein it gives off an “LSD” companion component along with a “sleep comfort” drugstore cowboy effect, and with different “greens” in combination it provides an almighty and restful sleep with amazing dream possibilities - where “the rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.” It works, as I have been high every night for the last few years with this healthy remedy due necessity rather have a burger with fries, but it meant an affair with “Sleeping Lady Salad”. As with the COvid creature and limited grocery time, it meant salads galore and I sleep like a baby, like in my youth but by now a Social Security survivor, so sleeping soundly and enjoying beautiful dreams who needs that “apple a day”? And when one considers the advantage of such a diet, wherein “greens” form the foundation, meat just a side-attraction say a divide by 4-attraction no longer an additive in the majority addiction, “I can live on beans and rice” said Mr. Dylan so can I! And the “greens” hold life-living moisture, which is miraculously released as you dream, so that added advantage takes away those ever so bothersome bed pan alley early morning callings, as the breakdown of the greens is a slow infusion of water for essential services, so it dribbles no need to drown oneself with unnecessary water logging. For real, the way “bottled water” is filtered of essential “waterborne biota”, it makes one even thirstier - what a way to sell H2O! And you thought enough was enough selling sugar coated colored water that rotted out your teeth? And with a “salad” consumed so close to zz-time, no need for excessive water-boarding - which equates to romancing the bathroom, or pissing out a nearby window! I don’t care, lucky me “Lucy in the sky with diamonds”. And I said “Doctor, Mr. MD, can you tell me what’s ailing me?” - Go Green Young Man!


House v. Senate

How come the members of the U.S. Senate must be older then their counter-parts in crime and shame the “House”, as the age to become a Senator rests at 30-years while that of a House is less, at 25-years of age. Is it due to a maturity issue? If so what in blazing saddles hell went wrong, as it sure appears that the youngsters are the adults in the room! Well I’m all for the dismantling of Democracy, as when it boils down to a Congress that fits the IMAGE of “Crazy Psycho Shit” for the Senate and “Batshit Crazy” for the “House”, may as well name that Queen for the Day! Joan Baez, please step forward to accept the “Diamonds and Rust” crown, the “throne” is yours!


Ma Bell v. Humanity v. Humanity

What if today, by the close of business SCIENCE Sunday, experts provided proof that this COvid Creature of habit in menace held a habit to survive in addiction to relying on “Can You Hear Me Now”, what would it mean? In order to survive from victim to victim, streamlining to streamline its hop, skip and jump from one individual-of-interest to the next, yes what would it really mean? That “survival mechanism” based on the concept that an all-mighty and invisible “canopy” has grown by leaps and bounds - like in surround-around-sound on a global-wide initiative perspective. That which serenades us today from thinking we need to be in-touch to “texting” 24/7! Or always in the know with “Breaking News” and being “ping” investigated by “scammers” and alerted by one and the same “scammers”, this addiction now has the essential element of surprise to wreck-havoc on the human existence. And this “canopy” is not something that gets turned on and off, it is not an intermittent irregularity, it is alive and well endowed and of course something is always lurking in the wings to hitch a ride, let somebody else do the driving. It makes sense, that this living COvid monster and all of its already exhausted variants to the soon to come new variants-of-interest in destruction, it has learned to take advantage - like a blood-sucking leech - of the energy and frequency spectrum in envelope that brings us together. The MONSTER has created another MONSTER, as freeloading advantage taking to fulfil the “mission” is essential to survival - all things considered! Except under consideration, side effects from this fascination with that “cell” phone that is so damn “smart”! We humans are under one roof! Our weak link to this bean me up Scotty, for this connection which is in respect definitely a weak link with respect to how the desired energy envelope boils our blood - but not enough to excite a blood clot - I mean, what else could it be that took us by surprise so overnight like - with this COvid? It is that merit in a “common denominator” all other things considered, my damn cell phone the culprit that has allowed this COvid to survive and wreck-havoc on civilization? Look, there is a reason that kids are finding COvid relief, they are not using that cell phone like adults, as there exists a finite avenue to being infected by this COvid as nature likes to destroy such in an ongoing interference pattern, but like a booster shot that “phone” allows this intimidation - it allows the breaking of that natural barrier. “Can You Hear Me Now”? And can you IMAGINE if we were asked to limit the use of cell phones, just like how we were asked to wear a face mask to limit the COvid spread, do you think there would be protests any restrictions to be “heard”? We’re Dooooomed because we are addicted! But rest assured, there will be millions of selfie videos when it all comes crashing down…for the next generation lost in space and even when we are no longer, those communication companies and its ARMY of hi-tech servers that send out that monthly bill for that “Cell Tower Access” that which is killing us softly, it will be sending out nasty notices for overdue accounts for the ”dead man not talking”, forever and ever and continuing to kill us some more. The “COvid Crud Canopy”, courtesy Ma Bell and our addiction to entertain an invite to sickly-cell amnesia - as we have forgotten who we are as humans as texting is taking the humanity out of humanity! Remember the calling out in the 80’s to “Kill Your TV” because it was toxic, a time and money and happiness wasting pastime? Well you could not carry that TV along for a ride but we were getting addicted to it, you could not take it to the ball field while the kids learned what “3-strikes you’re out” was all about, so the hi-tech peddlers went smart with that push to make transistors smaller and smaller so that proverbial “3-pounds of shit in a 1-pound bag” became destiny’s child - an abortion! And that once-upon-a-time flip phone is now that TV and more and more and more and more, yet no room for a bumper sticker?


Man’s Beginning - Land’s End

Wow, so Doctor Phineas J. Whoopee of the PB&J Institute of higher earnings as cushioned a research project that has been in the development stage for some 5-years bye now. Yes, for that amount of time a Cray Super has been crunching 3-dimensuonal matrices, in efforts to try to find the “origin” of man, and it appears the trials and tribulations of this research is about to pay off. So from the algorithm which finally hit that “Divide by Zero” preference and thus allows retention through Newton’s “Zero Root” hypothesis, it goes like this. To begin with to keep up your interest early on, there is reason we humans like to be surrounded by water, like in bathing in a swimming pool or taking a shower, it is comforting - in association with the womb, from whence human life unfolds in today’s world. So yes, we originated from the sea to shining sea. It started with a fish turd, as like may be found in “floaters” of any home grown aquarium. And we know that some fish will fight to eat a turd, even their own when famished, thinking it is food. Hey one man’s turd is another man’s delicacy. Know when that turd was consumed and found ideal conditions, that piece of excrement was dissected by the lucky turd eating fish and ended up as another crap but reformulated in design, the cycle thus continues - the original “turd” not the same stink but no doubt still a bonafide “turd”. And over time, the original turd going through transformation and transmission after transformation and transmission, basically a Simple Simon situation that started out as waste but gaining in resiliency and character, it was taking on an identity in crisis - because it was still a turd and when a fish crapped away this “human beginning”, it maintained its image and once again the cycle continued, still not totally complete. Now this went on and on and on for eons, this one particular turd ending up in the intestines of different sea life, manipulated and branded by the particular species and then discharged, as just another good crap a normal day in Poseidon’s lair. And as time went on, this transformed turd was reckoning the limelight of evolution, as when it had passed as food to a turd with every damn underwater living species, simple changes but enough to be consistent with a trend confusing the issue a “turd is a turd” maybe not so, that a fish finally wondered what all that land mass was all about. And then one day, an ideal situation came about wherein a flying fish and lucky for mankind, while it went flying over land, a good shat found that turd now occupying a Plymouth like rock, a warm sun-bathed stone. Now low and behold, at the same time eons and eons in the making, Neptune was seeing the same damn shit eating habit with land-locked water marine life. And one day, that fish flew the coop and rose to the occasion and shit on that same Plymouth rock, and the rest is history, life came about by the turds uniting and a little sweat equity from Sun God Ra. So humans come from flying fish, that shat their loads for the sake of mankind. Yes, from a combination of all sea life shitting its brains out along with all fresh water borne creatures the very same habit, same story. Ashes to ashes? No shit to shit finds a better dignity. So I guess we best start eating our own shit, to see what that brings about in an evolutionary maybe revolutionary change of heart…no habit as it already has arisen to the occasion, it’s called the GOP!


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