Monday, February 7, 2022

Rewind for Amnesty

Help me Rhonda…OK, I am all for some means, some semblance of “Amnesty” for all the puke punks that thought they were “Tough” and then failed miserably when they were called to duty by the “Crazy Psycho Shit”, aka Donald John Trump. That January 6th thing, as I am sure that when Putin saw how Trump’s “Militia” performed, he is still laughing all the way to Ukraine while the Fuck’n Moron suffers a Mar-a-lasso migraine. Is so…is not, two little kids in argument whether or not Melania is still a Russian Sputnik SPY? Sorry, no “amnesty” there! But back to the brats that shit in their pants when they realized this “Capitol” was not a Vince McMahon WWE fake stage of entertainment - thum real bullets that were flying! Look, we gave the Confederate soldiers a break following the “Civil War”, because many in the “rank and file” were coned into believing slavery was righteous, that the “South” was what this nation was all about, so we should be able to figure out something here, as we are all Americans. We did this forgiving once before we can do it again with conditions strict. I am speaking from the heart of a New England Patriot, as my heritage with the Founding Fathers back then finds the same in character today. Yes “Amnesty”, as we do learn from our mistakes. But my posture herein any “Amnesty” with those that soiled their diapers on January 6th, it rests its case if and only if the chief Masterbater-in-Thief is convicted of “dueling banjos deliverance” and in punishment sharing a cell with Ted Kacyznski for 41-days and 41-nights and does not resist Bubba’s temptations! Or else we stage another January 6 - a remake to see how the pukes behave in a second round of applause from the pennis gallery. See, we give all of Trump’s followers that were in attendance that day and subject to felonious discipline a rubber MAGA dildo only for protection. Then we equip the members of the Democratic Congress with “blow torches” and “on your mark get set go”…and from loud speakers we hear Nancy Pelosi scream out;  "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I Wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL.” Ok not fair, but if this nation has the wherewithal to forever put the “Crazy Psycho Shit” in solitary confinement for the rest of his life, I am all for some form of “Amnesty” for the porta-potty party crashers, a last-chance or forever hold your peace demonstrating a denouncing of all things considered in Trumpism and the Confederacy - coupled with maybe a sentence of every weekend for the next 5-years making and delivering sandwiches for the “Homeless”, out of their own pocket-book as a penance fine. And if ever in violation of this “parole”, we will cross that bridge when it need be but it will be ugly!

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