Sunday, February 20, 2022

Judge Mehta's Select Committee

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman - famous for “Must Respect the Institution” even if Part and Parcel Guilty and known to have suffered from “Emotional Distress” due the effects of “Crazy Psycho Shit” and LIZ CHENEY as “Vice Chair”(but not the minority leader due legitimate political discourse), along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol, along with the FOUR missing-formation members in vacancy status;

Not meaning to sound funny, but Nancy Pelosi did not take me up on my Patriotic suggestion, that I be awarded one of the missing formation vacancies with this “Committee” so that it was then starting to conform to the “letter of the law”. OK just remember laughter is still the best of medicines! But it appears this “Committee” will soon be a laughing-stock Marjorie Soylent Greene jock-strap Jim Jordan joke if Mark Meadows prevails in his lawsuit. Look, I am not betting on Speaker Pelosi in that duel, as it sure seems to be following that Cicilline “Crazy Psycho Shit” philanthropy! So just a reminder before signing off for good as my new book titled “My TRY TIP Recipe Book for Bennie” is in the final draft, and likewise with this “Committee” needing more time to answer the Nichol’s “Court”, well me to too busy “in light of their schedules and official travel.” Especially now that new “subpoenas” being issued will again postpone some more any “Public Hearings”, why has not this “Committee” issued a “Subpoena” for any member of Congress nor served Donald John Trump wherein service is due, way overdue? Especially after District Judge Amit Mehta most recently allowed amnesty for Rudy and Donald Jr. and almost pardoned the 45th! I am sure they are laughing in the scary fact that their January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” free-speech was protected even though they were mentioned as an accomplice to Donald Trump’s “conspiracy act” plan to overthrow Congress. That is what happens with Trump appointed trash. So it appears with that “opinion” your “investigation” and our “investment” just got a whole lot easier under consideration - as there is but for a single rodent left to subpoena. And for real, Donald as former “President Trump is immune as to failure-to-act”?  Wow, this makes the “Select Committee’s” job super-duper easy, just pack up and go home. It means there is nothing left, the Judge just said Trump is “immune” and if it works under the merits of “exciting a riot” it will work everywhere else, as Mehta is quoted; “But the President cannot be held liable for his failure to exercise his presidential powers, at least under § 1986. Were it otherwise, Presidents routinely would be subject to suit for not doing more or for not acting at all. Absolute immunity would be gutted if a plaintiff could avoid it simply by alleging a failure to exercise presidential power. If Swalwell contends that President Trump is liable under § 1986 because he himself is an alleged coconspirator and had the power to stop the conspiracy, the court is dubious that § 1986 can sustain such a construction. If accepted, it would mean that any coconspirator of a § 1985 conspiracy with some degree of authority is likewise liable under § 1986. The court is skeptical that Congress intended such an interpretation. In any event, Swalwell does not specifically articulate a reading of § 1986 that would rest on the President’s failure to act before the rally-goers stormed the Capitol.” So nice that a judge did the leg work for the Congress in this “skeptical” reasoning and if that be not the case then someone should call Mehta to the carpet on this - maybe subpoena the judge! And how is it that this judge can get away with impersonating a Supreme Court Justice, as his reasoning is not for the lower-courts to decide in the “intent of Congress”, so this “opinion” begs of “part and parcel guilty” in disrespect to the institution. If this is another “smoke screen” tactic that but for “must respect the institution”, reason to believe Chairman Thompson really meant that “Crazy Psycho Shit” institution finds preferential treatment. Sorry, but I searched every damn Congressional publication since 1789, cannot find wherein this “respect for the institution” finds its merits in establishment. Maybe it was made up on the fly, but it is meaningless in the U.S. Constitution as that being true, this “respect” it would mean DEMOCRACY in its grave already. So in “Legitimate Political Discourse 101”, herein is what it spells out in your own damn Portnoy’s Complaint pocket-addition of the “House of Representatives Rules”. And before Trump gets protection under the Westfall Act, act now and subpoena the rodent. Sad though, that this “Committee” is afraid, cowards more like it, to not use what is necessary to get…it was an INSURRECTION, a “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” by a sitting Commander-in-Chief, what is it that this “Committee” fails to understand, as “We the People” are not STUPID and as we speak the Rudy Giulianis and Donald Jrs. and the Mo Brooks are dead beating it away to freedom!

February 2, 2021
Rule XI, clause 2 - Subpoena Power

Subpoena power (m)(1) - For the purpose of carrying out any of its functions and duties under this rule and rule X (including any matters referred to it under clause 2 of rule XII), a committee or subcommittee is authorized (B) to require, by subpoena or otherwise, the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers, and documents as it considers necessary.(D) Subpoenas for documents or testimony may be issued to any person or entity, whether governmental, public, or private, within the United States, including, but not limited to, the President, and the Vice President, whether current or former, in a personal or official capacity, as well as the White House, the Office of the President, the Executive Office of the President, and any individual currently or formerly employed in the White House, Office of the President, or Executive Office of the President.

And wait there is more of this “Crazy Psycho Shit”, as then “We the People” find under the same House of Representatives “Rules”:


1. (a) When a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House is properly served with a judicial subpoena or order, such Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee shall comply, consistently with the privileges and rights of the House, with the judicial subpoena or order as hereinafter provided, unless otherwise determined under this rule. (b) For purposes of this rule, ‘‘judicial subpoena or order’’ means a judicial subpoena or judicial order directing appearance as a witness relating to the official functions of the House or for the production or disclosure of any document relating to the official functions of the House.

Let’s face the facts, the stubbornness of this “Committee” in refusal to “Subpoena” the Donald and the Jim Jordans some 230 days gone bye-bye by now, with lame excuses “we do not know what we are doing”, well remember most of us learned it all in kindergarten - how to understand rules! Since when did “We the People” give the Congress the legitimacy to make up rules that don’t exist?

Please STOP blowing smoke up our you know what - as this Patriotic Democrat is starting to see that this “Committee” is more interested in Image over Country!

And when Nancy Pelosi was experiencing a “Bad Hair Day” or maybe the fallout from excessive private gallivanting jet lag, Pelosi cut Bennie Thompson’s H.Res.3233 to smithereens - which was an excellent resolution to form a “Committee” for opening up an “investigation” into the January 6th event, as it was the roadmap of necessity and success. And when the “smithereens” went pasted back together to form some semblance of “crap legislation”, those pieces of the puzzle in chaos now an abortion found a romance as H.Res.503, well wherein does it say this “Committee” can hold “Public Hearings”? It cannot, the only wiggle room is for this “Committee” to finish that report and close up shop, so take this as a Cease & Desist, DO NOT waste the Taxpayers hard-earned income taxed for a talent show, as that is no different then the Moron’s attempt to “Steal the Steal”. In ending forever, good luck with what started out as a “Good Faith” effort to hold those accountable for that “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”, that investigation now turned into some idiotic excuse that the “Select Committee” must abide by the senile sanitized notion in “must respect the institution” and local judges deciding that they think they know what is best for the Congress in its fight for Democracy. Thanks for trying, but in the end it appears that something has gotten in the way of “do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance…so help me God.” and that means “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in its Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY is still under ATTACK and thus we are all in the same vote, both democrats and republicans, with “part and parcel guilty”. GOOD-BYE!

Stugots - The Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

PS: Free copies of “My TRY TIP Recipe Book for Bennie” will be provided to the “Select Committee” members when publication begins. Enjoy! 

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