Friday, February 18, 2022


HELP WANTEDThis is an opportunity of a lifetime, a time to come to the aid of your Country, in a bipartisan Patriotic way - either as a “Crazy Psycho Shit” Democrat or a “Legitimate Political Discourse” Republican! Maybe you would never consider throwing your good name away getting involved in the Washington political scene for a career, but herein is a position wherein you can temporality try out the “cesspool”! No commitments! Yes indeed, in opportunity to experience what members of the Nancy LousyLollaPelosi's House of Representatives enjoys day-in day-out. And wait there’s more, NO QUALIFICATIONS necessary! Right now, there are 4-positions requiring your expertise, which can be anything to help out, as the bipartisan - meaning the “Crazy Psycho Shit” side of the aisle and the “Legitimate Political Discourse” other side of the aisle of right - this “so happy together” again finds the “Select Committee” Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol with roll-call “Vacancies”! And with such, it cannot fulfill its “mission”! And it does not matter your political side, even if you wear a Marjorie Soylent Greene jockstrap or Jim Jordan leak-proof panties, whatever your fancy, this opportunity may be that once-in-a-lifetimer. IMAGINE telling your grandkids that you were part of this “Committee”, with the likes of Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin and Zoe Lofgren, all seasoned impeachment managers that paved the way for the acquittal of Donald John Trump! So act now, contact Nancy at 202-225-4965 with promotion code 503 and offer up your services. She may take you up on your willingness and in appreciation your Patriotism in gratuity a ham sandwich. If no answer, please try back at a later date, as sometimes due a “Bad Hair Day” the phones are not answered. If no luck getting through, as time is of the essence for this “Committee” getting fully up to par with staff infection “composition”, you can also contact Head-Cheese Bennie at 202-225-5876 with inquiries, but this contact may not work either, due to interference by “emotional distress” signals.

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