Saturday, January 22, 2022

Until the Fart Lady Sings…

When we thought it was all said and done with “Case Closed”, after the United States Supreme Court ruled against Donald John Trump having the right still, to exert “Executive Privilege” for securing away documents in the National Archives. Yes, the SCOTUS, except for the gini-soaked bar-room queen the only dissenter, it ruled in an 8-1 decision that Mr. Trump maintained NO such privilege, so the “Archives” was then directed to turn over 700-pages of documents to the “Select Committee” investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Capitol. And that ruling came late in the day on the 19th, and by COB the “Archivers” turned over 4-documents. Then on the next day, supposedly the remaining documents were being timely transferred over to the “Select Committee’s” team of attorneys most likely to succeed in the category of enriching themselves on the Taxpayers dime by unaccounted for time. Which means “outside counsel” not subject to any Congressional “ethics” criteria as the “Select Committee” members are way too busy with “other things - like writing books and making movies, getting make-up for Rachel Madcow spin -  so this investigation was handed off to homeless lawyers. And when asked about the tranches of documents that could now be legally stolen away from Donald Trump’s grip, the “Select Committee” Chairman Beenie G. Thompson said that someday the “Committee” may publish the documents to the “public”, but went short of any timeline for doing so. Sad, when those documents when released, such then belongs to “We the People”, so why this preferential treatment as did not the SCOTUS just make a ruling on such discrimination?

But just yesterday, well the Trump legal “Team” with permission by the “Select Committee’s” outside legal advice and advise, it is allowing the plaintiff Trump a “2-week” extension to answer to the existing complaint that is no longer of interest - basically “moot”. And that answer was due on January 21st, the same day this “extension” was requested, in excuse all in agreement this wasted extension, so that “Donald John Trump can determine his next steps”? Now being a late Friday evening filing for this worthless and unprecedented frivolous “motion” made even more frivolous by the “Select Committee's” legal team in cahoots, well the “Court” has not published a Yea or Ney as of yet. But WTF, why did the defendant, the “Select Committee”, confer and grant this request, as it was a signed-sealed-delivered “non-appeal” verdict from the High Court, no need to extend anything. Or was it not such a clean-cut SCOTUS decision, was there a Kavanaugh timebomb ticking away in the SCOTUS ruling that would give Trump a new lease on life - as it appears he is today treading on thin ice? It is because this “Select Committee” in its madness is being orchestrated by outside interfering legal authority, that which finds no accountability and is raping Miss Liberty over the coals, as the “Select Committee” members are too busy spending way too much time campaigning on CNN and MSNBC, and no one is watching the barn and the fox has penetrated the hen house. Yes, the Taxpayers money being put to good use, enriching the lawyers that showed up at the Capitol like vulture-moochers following that “riot”, knowing that a Nanny Nancy LousyLollaPelosi “House Special Committee” would convene, just like occurred in Impeachment#1 and Impeachment#2, may as well use the outcome of that litigation as “TP” - single ply so it means stink finger! So I ask, is there more Patriotism in the scoundrels that invaded the peace and quiet of the U.S. Congress, or is there more of the same with the scoundrels that will extend this free-for-all way past its due diligence in litigation, as the Miss Liberty “ATTACK” continues on with such abuse, as “for amber waves of grain” have been “trumped” by “for stab-her waves of pain!”


Case 1:21-cv-02769-TSC Document 51 Filed 01/21/22


DONALD J. TRUMP, ) ) Plaintiff, ) )      Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-2769 (TSC) )


BENNIE G. THOMPSON, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) )


The parties to this matter jointly request a two-week extension of time for Defendants to respond to the current Complaint. In the absence of an extension, Defendants’ response is due Friday, January 21, 2022. The Court has granted one prior extension of the response time. The parties’ motion is supported by good cause. In the evening of January 19, 2022, the Supreme Court denied Plaintiff’s Application for a Stay of Mandate and Injunction Pending Review. See Order No. 21A272, 595 U.S. ___ (2022) (Jan. 19, 2022). The parties have since conferred with respect to Defendants’ forthcoming response to the Complaint and the future of the litigation. Given the recent decision from the Supreme Court and the Archivist’s subsequent production to the Select Committee of the records at issue in this litigation, the parties agreed that the best course was to defer the Defendants’ response so that Plaintiff can determine his next steps. Accordingly, the parties request that the Court grant this unopposed motion for a two week extension of time, until February 4, 2022, in which to respond to the Complaint. Case 1:21-cv-02769-TSC Document 51 Filed 01/21/22.

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