Saturday, January 22, 2022

Select Committee Update

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” on the United States Capitol;

“DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”? That is what H.Res.503 calls it, not just some “Attack” like is found in the title of the “Committee”! Repeat after me:

 D-O-M-E-S-T-I-C T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T A-T-T-A-C-K!

So who is running this show? Like just last night in the continuing saga of the “Select Committee” members campaigning on the MSNBC’s time and dime, aka “dribble down theory”. Maybe that which should be kept in secrecy for the time being as it amounts to whiplash as it is not even a piece of the “speculation” puzzle being renovated by the “Select Few”. But like has become par, Mr. Schiff-for-brains informed the Last Word that he did not know if the “subpoenas” issued by the “Committee” allowed for the witnesses to be called back, on that same subpoena? I mean that should be 101! Herein is that exchange:

Eddie: “Yeah, I got the daughter in the clinic, getting cured off the Wild Turkey. And, the older boy, bless his soul, is preparing for his career.”
Clark: “College?”
Eddie: “Carnival.”
Clark: “You got to be proud.”
Eddie: “Oh, yeah. Yeah, last season he was a pixie-dust spreader on the Tilt-O-Whirl. He thinks that maybe next year, He’ll be guessing people’s weight or barking for the Yak woman. You ever see her?”
Clark: “No.”
Eddie: “She’s got these big horns growing right out above her ears. Yeah, she’s ugly as sin, but a sweet gal. And, a hell of a good cook.”!

OK, the above is better then the Schiff “dribble”! Not trying to be intentionally funny here, but this “Committee” must believe in the fact that “laughter is the best medicine” and maybe ALL “We the People” will get from this expensive investigation! How much has been spent to date? Want to prove the “Committee’s” worth, then “We the People” welcome some transparency in what it is costing the U.S. Taxpayers.

And maybe the “Committee” members should shut-up, stay away from the Reality TV stage…as that “dribble” is then amplified by the Madcow disease and gives “speculation” a make-over. And for real, according to MSNBC anchor-weights, this “Committee” has been relying on Bob Woodward’s book, as everything in that book that is in quotes is “gospel”? Then subpoena Woodward, get the names of those individuals-of-interest else “speculation” will doom your “mission”. Quotes in books, either true or fictional still sells “fake”!

And dear Beenie, I give you credit for dealing daily with the “Committee’s” mission and motives, as it places you front and center of attention again, in reliving that dreaded January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”, wherein you suffered “Emotional Distress”. And because of that “harm” went begging for a punitive damage remedy through a court filing. Too bad you had to vacate that date with a jury, but glad to see 10-others took you up on that offer as that kind of award can see $millions$ - way to go for your colleagues. Too bad the rest of the Americans that suffered from “emotional distress” could not have joined in, like maybe it would have better served Democracy if that lawsuit originated as a “class action”, instead of a preferential privilege. And I guess since no members of the Marjorie Soylent Greene “mean machine” were victims in suffering any “mental anguish”…are they tougher then the Democrats? So Beenie, how is that anguish going, just asking for a friend!

In ending, when is this “Select Committee” going to get serious? Any luck on getting Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” passed? What’s up with that…who on this “Committee” is afraid of that “Big Bad Wolf”? As that is what “We the People” want to hear, what this “Committee” is doing to better serve its own destiny. Sad, when Ted’s “resolution” is stuck in Pelosi’s cesspool, a “resolution” that would have benefited this “Committee” by far by now. But if in effect, that would not allow all the outside interfering lawyers to rake Miss Liberty over the coals - how much do they charge by the hour? What audit! And had this “Committee” prioritized what it needed in “tools” and in priority made damn sure Lieu’s resolution was passed, it would have allowed this “Committee” to fund its own shenanigans, from income through the levy of a fine those that did not want to cooperate after being served a valid Congressional “Subpoena”.  Look, if Mr. Schiff does not know what the subpoenas allow, that he would have to double check, then it is safe-haven to say that outside interference is running this show and it tells me someone is not serious about that Januweary 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”. Except it has become a “gold-diggers” opportunity, making a $buck$ on “We the People” so extend the investigation out just like the Donald John Trump, extending out his lawsuits. Time is of the essence, I doubt it as it has been over a year by now, and “We the People” have gained no traction in seeing anybody in the Donald Trump rank and file accept any responsibility, and the longer this “dribble” goes on with this “Select Committee”, the more the “riot” makes way for “it was just mischief” as did not a member of this “Committee” already come to that verdict? There is only a single individual-of-interest, what is taking this “Committee” so long to understand that we don’t care about Trump’s minions, we want the snake! And to think that sometime this year that the “Select Committee” will publish a report, that puzzle, and have “public hearings”, to tell US a goodnight story? If I want a Reality TV show I can tune to the National Geographic, and watch “Life Below Zero IQ” for entertainment. The “dribble” from the members sounds so good, once it is speculated upon by the news’ media, I don’t buy into it. So give us something we can sink our teeth into, like seeing a “Subpoena” served upon Mr. Donald John Trump, what’s up with that - more executive preferential privilege, more like pilfering the merits of the Congress.  The bottom line, I for one did not suffer any “emotional distress” from that January 6th ordeal, as it was merely a bunch of punks, cowards that did not pull Trump’s plan of “Attack” off by any stretch of one’s imagination. I mean, to see adults trying to break “safety glass” with bare fists, it is retarded. If this kind of mentality…it speaks for itself in stupidity - the reason “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” the flag was still there when the January 6th smoke and stench cleared and that day came to a close. And the sooner this nation brings Donald John Trump to justice, starting with a “subpoena” from this “Select Committee”, then maybe we can allow some leniency to his “Militia”, that was only doing what the Moron called upon it to do thinking it was the right thing to do for the “Commander-in-Chief” as the Boss. Yes “We the People” are Americans both sides of the isle, it is time to bring Donald John Trump before this “Committee” and if he defies, then lock him up. Matter of fact, what the “Select Committee” finds should reinforce some semblance of a “leniency” pitch for that “Militia” that 100% of the blame finds a single individual. Look we gave the Confederate soldiers a break, we should do the same here as long as we can get to the root cause, Mr. Trump sent to prison. But what is giving me “emotional distress”, this “Select Committee” spending all this time marble-mouthing the prelude to a story that has already been told. It was televised, and we all know it was Trump. One last thought, is Woodward getting the royalties from the “Committee’s” report? Just asking for a friend called DEMOCRACY!

Waaaaell-laa-de-frickin’-da, as before I could sign off, there goes the “Select Committee” again, Pete Irregular on the MSNBC “Reality Show” its Friday and the “Select Committee’s” web-site once again a nothing update report, but “LIVE” more of the same in “dribble”! For real, so an unsigned “Executive Order” is something to celebrate over? IT WASN’T SIGNED, it may as well be flushed as evidence! Did you ever think this was produced after-the-fact, so Trump could then say “see”? The slow motion with this “Committee” is surely allowing the crooks to take advantage behind-the-scenes in the merits of any time-element of “surprise”, as that is the Trump Dysentery Dynasty “trademark” to criminal success. It is a meaningless document, unless you “subpoena” Donald John Trump and question his intent any involvement in the production of that “order”. Only under oath in the hot-seat will you get evidence that will sustain any criminal referral. If you surrender the opportunity this “Select Committee” has right now not tomorrow or the next day, to “subpoena” Donald John Trump, then you surrender DEMOCRACY to the “enemy”. And the longer you wait, the tougher that “serving” will become. Look, the “enemy” is in waiting and by now more than likely the “Criminal Domestic Terrorist” element has a defense to slow down a Donald Trump subpoena. Yet, there exists no other sub-branch of Congress that is in this “Committee’s” position, but this “Friendly Fire Invite” and lackadaisical “nice guy” attitude…look, Pelosi and Schiff and Raskin and Zoe already have a terrific scorecard in Impeachment#1 - what did it prove “nothing” , and then “Impeachment#2 - what did it prove “nothing” some more and it appears the same “Committee” members are striving for more failure for their legacy in shame-on-you, with “Three Strikes You’re Out”. And that is when the “enemy” smiles all the way to the bank, as then DEMOCRACY is bankrupt, on the “Select Committee’s” watch! IMAGINE being associated with such failure, it will be announced in the history books - maybe under the “Comic Relief” chapter.

Beenie Thompson was adamant on day one, that this “Committee” in its efforts to compel testimony that it “would not hesitate”, what happened to that promise? Yes, it appears that it is Nancy Pelosi’s IMAGE getting in the way, as someone outside this “Committee” must be calling the shots. Or outside attorneys that have no social aptitude, I meant Patriotic attitude and see this “investigation” as a ways and means to enrich themselves. Said again, why is this “Select Committee” reneging on an opportunity of a lifetime, to subpoena the “Boss” of that “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”?

S. Tool Sample, Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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