Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"Reject" Committee 12/7/2021


12/7/21, 7:34 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots
Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON as “Chairman” along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, LIZ CHENEY, ADAM KINZINGER as “Honorable Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol” along with any and all legal scholars retained for this matter that are screwing things up by offering bad advice to this “Committee”;

Today, “We the People” were informed, not through any “Select Committee” transparency which to date is a crying-out-loud shame and shams the righteousness of DEMOCRACY, but we learned through the news’ media just how STUPID this “Committee” really is! I am lost for words on the discovery of this STUPIDITY. Disrespect for that Constitutionally given “Right to Privacy/Right to be left alone” violated, for a 66-year old lady that lives in Florida and most likely has no affiliation with that January 6th Insurgency”R”us whatsoever. Mr. Thompson, you owe her an apology! To seek an individual’s communication records under false premise, such records sort through a “subpoena” under a Verizon “Family Plan”, that kind of round-up only happens in places like North Korea! Many of us proletariats, the hard working middle-class salt of the earth, we must use a “family plan”, out of necessity we don’t make the wage your “Committee” enjoys. So we must be thrifty and had no idea the United States Congress would ever entertain procuring records in this type of mean spirited Vladimir Putin like manner. And the lawyer retained by the “Committee” for this “witch-hunt”, the IDIOT that advised the “Committee” to move in this direction without discretion, he or she should be terminated immediately and grounds for disbarment are already in the works. Furthermore, if this were the brain-child of a “Committee Member”, cancel their prescription to the “Jelly of the Month Club”. Yes humor intended, because we need something to enlighten things when the instruments designed to salvage DEMOCRACY under “Attack” are so abused. Attacking a “Family Plan” for what? Yet you have no guts to go after those members of Congress for the same records, with those that may have been involved in that Donald John Trump dumpster binge, maybe because it is one big giant “Family Plan” and mind you having your dignity invaded! I will reiterate, STUPIDITY! Not to mention quite Un-American!

There came an “Attack” on the Capitol, now this “Select Committee” is “Attacking” that “Life, Liberty and Pursuit in Happiness” of individuals for no apparent reason except this “Committee” is out of control. And even if there was a valid reason to procure such records, to procure through a “Congressional Subpoena” the metadata of individuals-of-interest, it can only lead to these individuals now defying any further testimony and surely it will invite a barrage of "Yours truly in honor, through advise and advice from my counsel, I respectfully invoke my rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on the grounds that answering questions may incriminate me." See, no one remembers each and every incoming or outgoing phone dial and or text message exchange, as it is a technology we are addicted to 24/7. So now that this “Committee” has informed that such records have been confiscated, there is only a single safe-haven for the individuals that were targeted out, in investigative efforts to seek and destroy Donald John Trump as the “Kingpin” get him indicted and thrown in prison to face charges of “Treason”, and that safe-haven for his minions rests its case today in pleading the 5th. I guess that places an about face kibosh on this “Committee” gaining any ground into what occurred on that January 6th, as “Silence is Golden” and it then remains but one option, but for a single retreat to save this investigation, cut to the chase subpoena Donald John Trump. And please apologize to that 66-year old and her family that you terrorized!

Respectfully Submitted by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” under the Freedom of Obligation and under the guidance of Marshall v. Gordon and not intended to “prevent or obstruct the discharge of this Committee’s legislative duty.” In no way shape or form should this “Correspondence of Concern” impede the House’s ability to legislate, it is just entered as a “TIP”.

12/7/21, 7:35 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol 


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate

Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman


12/7/21, 12:21 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: S. Pam
Last Name: McGee
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON as “Chairman” along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, LIZ CHENEY, ADAM KINZINGER as “Honorable Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol” along with any and all legal scholars retained for this matter that are screwing things up by offering bad advice to this “Committee”;

So now what? Just more bad news from what this “Select Committee” is accomplishing. Yesterday it was Flynn and Luna taking a hiatus from their scheduled under-oath time with this “Committee”. Is anybody watching the clock, as with every delay it bogs down the merits in justice. With the Mark Meadows scorecard, defying a “Congressional Subpoena” issued on September 23rd and guilty as a “No-Show” on October 15th, a crime and being the nice guy that Mr. Thompson is, supposedly this “Committee” issued a “Friendly Subpoena” on or about November 30th and today again Mr. Meadows guilty as a “No-Show”, it’s a “crime scene spree”. Look, the day after this “Committee” gave in and announced that Mr. Meadows was working with the “Committee” - because we are all friends - he was on the Bannon airwaves and telling the Turncoat faction he would not “cooperate”. And today, we get the official read from his attorney, that Meadows will not cooperate and anybody that believed he would, there’s a “bridge to nowhere” in Alaska that needs some of that Biden “Build Back Better” $loot$. As with that “bridge”, it seems that is the direction that this “Committee” is going, “NOWHERE”!

So here is what needs to be done by the “Select Committee”, else the merits of this “Committee’s” so far foolhardy “nothing” will continue to be a laughingstock in injustice for those gathered around down Mar-a-Lago planning stage-2 of the “Trump Coup”. Issue upon Mr. Meadows another “Congressional Subpoena” by COB today, served on December 8th, 2-weeks notification is sufficient, no document requests at this time just a scheduled individual-of-interest under oath before the “Committee” in hearing, for December 22nd, yes only 3-days before Christmas. If Meadows defies that “Order” as a NO-SHOW, well also have ready to go an “Arrest Warrant” authorized by Nancy Pelosi issued to the Sergeant-at-Arms, with instructions to “Attach” Mr. Meadows. As what could better serve this nation in celebration then to see Mark Meadows enjoying eggnog behind bars. This Patriotic, this heroic action with “attachment” is exactly what we learned was possible in McGrain v. Daugherty, wherein an “arrest” was allowed for an individual that defied a “Congressional Subpoena” and was then placed under custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms. And this was allowed to stand by the United States Supreme Court. Yes. Molly Daugherty was “attached” under arrest until such time that defiance to ignore the “Congressional Subpoena” was erased through real cooperation, none of this “Friendly Fire Subpoena” BS - answer the questions to the satisfaction of Congress then one gets to go home, hopefully the Christmas pudding is still warm.

But that is all this “Committee” has at its disposal to…don’t make the same mistake this “Committee” did with Steve Bannon and possibly the same mistake soon with Jeffrey Clark. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get the Department of Justice involved, as the Supreme Court said it was not necessary under the same damn circumstances this “Committee” is faced with today, with respect to “Congressional Subpoenas” ignored. DO NOT for the sake of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” balk any longer at using the McGrain verdict in precedence-set as the “law of this land” against the Trump Turncoats that called to duty the “Militia” to “Attack” the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Respectfully Submitted by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” under the Freedom of Obligation and under the guidance of Marshall v. Gordon and not intended to “prevent or obstruct the discharge of this Committee’s legislative duty.” In no way shape or form should this “Correspondence of Concern” impede the House’s ability to legislate, it is just entered as a “TIP”.

12/7/21, 12:21 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate.

Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman

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