Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Select Committee TIP 12/6/2021

12/6/21, 5:52 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots
Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa
Email: LousyHatSolidarityParty@USA.com
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON as “Chairman” along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, LIZ CHENEY, ADAM KINZINGER as “Honorable Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

It is only 9:28 am on this Monday morning, December 6th, the beginning of what we had hoped would be maybe for once “We the People” finding a productive week by the “Select Committee”. Something that we could celebrate upon, that “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in DEMOCRACY is safe still. Yet this day nearly begun and already more bad news from your Sad Sack…maybe “Reject Committee” today finds a better fit. For real, more delays with Flynn and Luna they farted so postpone the scheduled testimony under oath hearings? And if true you gave them a pass on the “dog ate my homework” because they are “talking”, is that under oath - as Associate Justice Devanter warned about the accuracy of witness statements when in “volunteer” mood. Give US some good news, as this “forever stamp of disapproval” wherein you forfeit once again a scheduled “subpoena” because the “Turncoats” are cooperating, how does that play out? Is it just more talk with no action you are being nice so must give in? Just don’t give us the same old worn-out song and dance, if you can’t stand the heat…Adam Schiff not too long ago mentioned that if Congress no longer yields the right to compel a witness through its Congressional “subpoena power”, in words to that effect, sentiment rested its case as a lost cause may as well go home. So maybe you should take Adam up on his recommendations, it would mean an early Christmas Holiday. How the Grinch stole Christmas? No, “How the Moron raped DEMOCRACY” and you let him get away with it. When does the time come to cut your losses, I meant “We the People’s” losses, before it is too late? There is but for a single “individual of interest” that was behind this “coup”, his name is Donald John Trump, you know where he lives, “subpoena” him today! Why are you wasting time, as the clock is running out the gas tank on empty. Do your job, no more excuses as there exists no excuse under the “Constitution” by this time some 11-months after that January 6th “ATTACK”, to not have served Donald John Trump. And this “Blasphony” that Trump’s minions can claim the 5th, it was his “Militia” called into action, there is no right to use that defense upon “self-incrimination”, as do you really think that the Founding Fathers would have allowed the exercise of that right for “Treason”? Simple answer, but when you get the DOJ involved, you loose all power and it sabotages the merits of this investigation, like maybe you are not serious about that dreaded day or afraid to perform like the Founders would have already engaged, with “attachments” upon those individuals that defy the will of Congress.

And what in Nancy Pelosi's Kitchen is a “Friendly Subpoena”, why is this “Committee” making things up along that way that have no legal grounds? I cannot find it in the U.S. Constitution! Is it like half & half, half truths and half fibs all things considered not under oath? The fact that “We the People” must rely on the news’ media for “transparency” with this “Committee”, that is not what “representation” is all about. And why was not Marc Short’s “Subpoena” listed on the “Committee’s Web Site” like all the rest of those that have been called to testify? Some of us want to know what is going on as we care about this country. Please start showing some seriousness with what this “Committee” was convened upon, else you are no different then Donald Trump and taking Democracy down a one-way no return dead-end street!

Respectfully Submitted by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” under the Freedom of Obligation and under the guidance of Marshall v. Gordon and not intended to “prevent or obstruct the discharge of this Committee’s legislative duty.” In no way shape or form should this “Correspondence of Concern” impede the House’s ability to legislate, it is just a “TIP” in “good faith”.


12/6/21, 5:52 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate.

Sincerely, Bennie Thompson, Chairman

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