Monday, December 20, 2021

New Egland Patriot X-mas Letter

Any Day Now, Any Day Now…

Soon, hopefully before Christmas, “We the People Proletariats” will wake with “tidings of comfort and joy”, as our day will begin with the headliner; “Donald John Trump Under HOUSE ARREST”. And not only will the 45th Insurrection-in-Thief spend some time behind bars as the bondsman could not satisfy “bail” that was set equal to what the Marmot-a-lago Naggot owes in back taxes - just relax Donald ‘tis the season to enjoy Bubba’s cellmate eggnog! Cum clean Donald, we know you are guilty! And wait there’s more, as we will find as a stocking stuffer that “The Gang That Couldn’t Shit Straight” also in cuffs! That includes Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan…See, get over it, this January 6th Insurgency”R”us was nothing to “fear”, as just a bunch of moron’s of the Fuck’n Moron that…desperadoes now on the run. See where the Fire Extinguisher enthusiast got 5-years, for trying to kick the can as a weapon against Capitol police - remember its contagious this “Moronism”. Sad thing for this idiot good thing for the cops, it was an empty can, and when you view that video, the police were playing games with this Mr. America. A senior citizen, sad that an asshole like this had to wait his entire life for a Trump to show up, talk about explosive diarrhea! Yet it was sad, that the Fuck’n Moron’s last “State of the State” after a single “Term of Endangerment”, it was Donald Trump calling for a “wild ride WAR” to occur that day in the new year, a calling out of his “Militia” - which is allowed for the sitting Commander-in-Chief! Right or wrong, he did what he thought was of necessity, the conclave smoke has cleared and the truth in lending statement is starting to show how Trump…No, you are NOT the Pope Mr. Donald Dotard! Now I feel and at the same time salute, those “law abiding soldiers” that fort to calm down this mental Trump tradition in illness, of disrupting “tranquility”. But the brave men and women that defended the U.S. Capitol, well they were able and willing to turn Trump’s kindergartners around even without our help. And had it gotten out of control, I was willing and able bodied to make a show for Democracy’s sake with my new Christmas present, a Stanley FATmax demolition bar. What a christening that would have been, with the shredded balls of a “Turncoat” hanging from the cold-rolled steel jaws! Hey, “STOP the STEEL” makes sense in this alignment of justice served the Patriotic way! But the combat witnessed by the Capitol police and us armchair on-call quarterbacks, it was the call of “DEMOCRACY Be STRONG” that failed this “insurrection” more like fighting off a premature ejaculation. I can laugh, as it is about the only legacy that Fuck’n Moron deserves with his fascination in a “circle jerk of MORONS”. FAILURE is his middle name today, not only as a U.S. Eunuch-in-Chief that couldn’t even get his Militia thinking straight, but with that “Mental Militia Mania” reminiscent of Trump’s reign on the WWW stage of Fabulous Fake, he failed miserably as the Commander-in-Chief…OK Commander-in-Grief. There can never, there will never be a “worser” asshole at the helm. Good thing during his reign of impotency he never had to really bone spur his way through latrine duty in a real theater of WAR! But his followers, those that hunger for that lobotomy special hold the pickle, again I beat the brush “We the Real Patriots” should have no fear this MAGA Moron following. I mean what kind of manic-depressive worrier would try to break through safety glass with one’s bare hands - only a retard of the Moron. This band of mentally retarded Trump supporters that ascended down upon Nancy LollaPelosi’s Rue Morgue avenue only 432-hours shy a year is a lifetime in any anniversary - OK same amount of time Congress takes as a Christmas holiday even when Democracy is drowning sorry no lifeguards on duty - does anybody really fear this maddening MAGA crowd, if this is the actual Tevolution? WTF then, this a sneak preview? If so, laughter is still the best medicine. Look, they can come dressed as lucifers secret agent men, with the women followers wearing the briefs as the guys prefer the panties, parading as 007 misfits, in that camouflage but “I can see the blight of their eyes” and when push comes to shove, me sentiment “bring it on” as there would be not a better Happy New Year then to see the gallows hanging with the likes of this new-age Turncoat bowel movement the ghosts of the Confederates, finally seduced with a ring around the collar. So to the gang of imbeciles, and that laughing stock’s contingency of war whores, the Boebarfs and Marjorie Soylent Greenes and Mattress Gaetz as the pedophile chowder chef - for real Greene wears a pride and joy Jim Jordan soiled jock strap like a safety blanket? Talk about “fromunder” addiction and Donald and his anal probing gang will soon get a full understanding of what this “fromunder” is all about, as Bubba is willing and waiting for someone to taste his cellmate eggnog and complain about someone stealing that erection. Just in, maybe we will see a RICO charge against the Dysentery Trump Family Dynasty this next week, and Donald Jr. will not be singing “I’ll be home for Christmas” and damn will Bubba be busy with that cellmate eggnog fashion show!

Note: In all seriousness, if this be a prelude to an actual Civil War that for Mitch McConnell has been like a premature ejaculation for his entire immobilized life in dream because of his Confederate Chyna Doll orgasms, wherein the stacking of the Supreme Court…who gives a fuck bring it on as this Trumpism has no idea what it is up against with the New England Patriots. And like the shot across the bow by Congressman Don Young of Alaska, a staunch republican conservative that Donald Trump never should have picked on as not being an America First Republican Patriot, Don made it clear the other day that “We the People” are well qualified in a bipartisan effort to bring a knife to a gun fight when at stake is “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in its Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. What Don meant, when push comes to shove it will be the Patriotic democrats along with the Patriotic conservatives against the Trump Morons, and won’t it be a laugh as Trump’s thugs are seen running to Mar-a-Lago for help, only to find out the Fuck’n Moron stole their money and has already jumped ship to Russia with love and is retired after sucking Vladimir Putin’s cock for freedom. With Don Young, Donald Trump picked on the wrong guy! And for Maggot Melania’s “Be Best” missionary position, well Donald Trump picked on the wrong country!

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