Sunday, December 19, 2021

Can You Fear Me Now?

Why is it that “homeless” people are not being medically affected, nearly not even close the death rate, from this COvid creature in comparison those that have a roof over their heads? OK, the authorities are quick to presume that this down and out faction of society does not produce medical records in accuracy that would allow an assessment of why this covid-no-show “preferential” phenomenon is so, that those that live in tents without electricity…there is but for only a single reason why so! It is that cell-phone that is causing an interference pattern in our immune systems. OK, it is the COvid itself that is getting a boost, externally which is encouraging a survival rate unprecedented with similar airborne rodents. Under normal circumstances, with no outside assistance, this COvid thug would cease to exist in transit. But this COvid is a creature of comfort in realization that Ma Bell is the missing link for what ails mankind today, as that interference is contributing to a susceptibility weakness, by allowing this COvid to survive well past its intended audience. The reason a whole lot of the science on the mobility of this creature is dazed and confused, as the main element of surprise is doing exactly that, hiding out. We can’t see it, but we live today under a canopy wherein we are bombarded all the time by this connectivity, as when that personal cell phone is within reach, so is the COvid allowed a 2nd chance at surviving, by following the path of least resistance is how nature works. If that path then finds a secure home for the COvid bug, a nostril say, home free! Yes, an addiction to be connected 24/7 may be the nemesis behind this craze, when those that live by the road-side, there is no coverage when one cannot charge that battery. It is an immunity by virtue being “poor”. Maybe the meek shall inherit the earth. And it is also the same reason that young kids, those that do not waste forever in this connectivity fashion show as watching Big Bird finds more of an appetite then some “Black Friday” sale at your fingertips, in that age group the medical statistics are proving the same damn results far fewer cases - as there is a common denominator that rests its case, as to why so many are dying still. But do you really think Ma Bell gives a rat’s ass? You thought a “mask” policy found resistance during this COvid, IMAGINE any authority telling you to give it up as the 1st Amendment is about to kill us all, and we thought the 2nd was angry! It has become an addiction with this must have connectivity and now we are seeing the side effects, and that COvid creature can jump ship with the touch of that “send”, and we thought white lightning was fast and furious! Now the authorities we also tell us that there are zillions of reports that indicate that “cell-phone” energy is not a health issue, that is true as we have beaten the bush looking for what adverse effects that such a minute radiation source can demonstrate as a cancer causing seed of destruction. But what has not been tested, what has not been studied, what effect that same radiation pattern has on this COvid in transport. If the cell-phone pattern is anxious, then this COvid can exist way past its normal life-cycle with a little boost from a nearby friend, like mentioned before, it can then jump ship like in a "beam me up Scotty" joy ride. So here we are, as the new guy on the block with this Omicron has heard the calling. And with all those receptors with this new punch - aka micro cell phone energy absorbers - this creature is in the learning mode and seems to have heard about our addiction.

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