Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Nancy Pelosi's Menstrual Camp

Congressional Contempt v. Menstrual Equity
aka  Donald Trump v. United States Congress 

Dear Beenie Thompson, Chair of the House of Nancy’s January 6th Insurgency”R”Us Investigative Selected Do Nothing Committee;

In your press release of November 9th following the ruling by Judge Chutkan on Donald Trump’s “Executive Privilege” assertion now denied, you are quoted for the record: “This decision affirms the importance of the Select Committee’s work to get answers for the American people, recommend changes to the law to strengthen our democracy, and help ensure nothing like the attack of January 6th ever happens again. The Select Committee’s investigation is moving forward swiftly and we look forward to receiving these important records from the National Archives.” You know that even before you posted this “press release” that Donald Trump filed with the appeals court. And I take issue in your statement of “recommend changes to the law to strengthen our democracy.” That is a false pretense statement, as if it were true, why has not your committee proposed to Spanker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Whipping Post Boy Hoyer the importance of getting Ted Lieu’s H.R. 406 “moving forward swiftly”? In contact with both the Speaker’s Office and Hoyer’s Office with respect to the status of Ted’s “Resolution” before the “House” as timely entered in May of this year, I received the most un-American welcome in feed-back, that such information as to why that “resolution” is stalled is not public information? WTF, as this is what tramples Democracy to Hypocrisy. I thought the years of Trump had by this time been extinguished to extinction in the way that administration treated “We the People”, appears maybe so Congress is infected still! And being persistent to the point in contention that I would not allow some young piss-ant aide of Pelosi or Hoyer treat me with disrespect, as I have time on my side in retirement to care about “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, well taking NO as an answer was not an option. And finally I was successful in tearing down that wall and was told that a “collective decision on the priority of that resolution” found it of no interest as “higher priority” resolutions along with the House work load could not afford Ted’s “resolution” any floor time, it was superseded in priority with things like the “Menstrual Equity in the Peace Corp Act”. And praytell, this is the second-year-in-a-row that Ted’s concern over inadequate power by the Congress with respect to enforcement of committee subpoenas has fallen by the wayside good night Irene. Did you forget, it was H.R. 1029 as introduced by Lieu before the 116th Congress, in June of 2020 and where in hell did that end up, maybe someone had a menstrual cramp and flushed it down the drain! But so glad to see you and your cohorts in shame have found more vacation time so over worked! Now when I hear the word collective, is this Communist China? So if you really want to prove your committee’s worth during these trying times, get that Ted Lieu “Resolution” front and center of attention get it passed right now and then you will have proven to me that you give a rat’s ass about our Founding Fathers’ Democracy, by changes to the law to strengthen that Democracy. For sake of clarity, Ted’s Resolution is 406, titled “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” and in short description; “Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives with respect to the enforcement of committee subpoenas to executive branch officials, and for other purposes.” And IMAGINE had your committee had that “Resolution” approved when Steve Bannon laughed at that subpoena! Same with that Jeffrey Clark laughter and many more that will become part of your committee’s “Jokermanthon”.

And then give me a break for heaven’s sake. After the “press release” and you getting TV coverage time, you insisted that Trump “man up and not be a spoiled brat”? That’s like asking Lucifer to find salvation. So one thing we have gotten from the Select Committee dealing with that January 6th Insurgency”R”Us attack on the Capitol, more laughter which I guess is still the best medicine. And my sentiment to that is “only one thing I did wrong, stayed in Mississippi a day too long” is loud and clear today. If you don’t understand that, ask Bob Dylan.

In ending, I hope that Merrick Garland sends your “Steve Bannon Contempt Citation” back to its origin and makes the claim that the Congress has the sole discretion and responsibility to take such matters onto its own hands in authority, by sending the Sergeant-at-Arms to “ARREST” those that resist a valid subpoena. I encourage you to be prepared should that happen, like very soon so please have Pelosi sign the ARREST” warrants now! But maybe, just maybe the intent was to throw the “Contempt” ball into someone else’s arena, as menstrual cramps can be deliberating and thus cause for concern, even when our Democracy is under attack by TV time theatrics.

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