Tuesday, November 9, 2021

DOJ Rules on Bannon Contempt

Just before the COB on November 9th, 2021, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland ruled on the “Contempt” citation handed down by the 117th House of Congress for the “Select Committee”. That citation named Steve Bannon in “Contempt”, in violation of the “rules of this land” for refusing to honor a subpoena issued by the “Committee”. This “Committee” was tasked to investigate the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us on the U.S. Capitol. In Garland’s decision, the DOJ will not prosecute Bannon’s reluctance to be heard under oath through that subpoena power, that which was issued on October 20th, this year. Garland states that this decision by the Department of Justice is based on the fact that the “Committee”, by virtue of its inherent relationship to the U.S. Congress, that which extends that same relationship to the U.S. Constitution, that Congress yields the “power” to ARREST those that circumvent the spirit of the law, including avoiding a valid subpoena issued by Congress. Garland went on to state that the DOJ will support and defend the Congress for any “ARRESTS” that may be necessary, in efforts to uphold the “law of the land” when any exercise of an individual’s “habeas corpus” rights when under ARREST interferes with this process. Garland emphasized this opinion was to make sure those subpoenaed will abide by such actions, when it is deemed necessary to issue such a legal instrument when denial of facts circumvents the intent of the law wherein a legal subpoena is required for purposes of Congressional oversight. It was also emphasized that following this rational an "ARREST" by Congress through the Sergeant-at-Arms when called to duty by the House Speaker - in this case with Steve Bannon it would be Nancy Pelosi signing the warrant - incarceration would be much speedier and with "habeas corpus" a much speedier trial for the individual under "ARREST". This ruling by the DOJ throws the ball back into the "Select Committee's" court for action, so Steve Bannon and Jeffrey Clark could be under "House Arrest" in a few days.

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