Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Soylent Greene

So Marjorie Taylor Soylent Greene, this nation’s leading expert on “conspiracy” theories to educate the GOP Congress, like with the Martians heading our way with high-powered lasers to burn down all the bridges to nowhere which finds Don Young excited and no longer suffering from erectile dysfunction, along with specializing in understanding the circle-jerk masturbators that planned the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us, she is also a Mobius math wizard! See, she invested $50000 of soft-earned income, courtesy the U.S. taxpayers as we seem to enjoy the abuse upon our very own hard-earned income taxed so it can then be paid out to McConnell & McCarthy freeloader members of Congress, yes the Soylent Greene paid out $50k whopping $bucks$ to buy stock from…drum roll please, from Donald John Trump! See, why not as “Honesty is still the best policy” trust me I have some valuable stock with a bridge…It all began last week when Trump started a “steal of a deal” SPAC, meaning Special Purpose Acquisition Co. Yes, it sounds like a “Baking Soda” company. But an SPAC is designed to protect the owner and “then” the investors in that order from any liability - which means this is just another Al Capone “gotcha” with the baseball bat, as who’s on first when the court’s say pay up? Now since “Initial Offering” of Trump’s new life on Wall Street after 6-bankrupsies we learn from our mistakes, his new venture was on the rise from a “Divide by Zero ERROR” to $175 Big ‘Uns! Matter of fact, from Wednesday at COB to Friday at “Opening Bell”, the “Steal of a Deal” had seen a 1657% fire eating dragon better act now or forever hold your pennis increase, from pennies on the dollar to “who’s a fool’s gold”, from a wooden nickel value to $175 in-kind fraud value bucks. Funny $money$, I am laughing my ass off as when the Town Crier stopped the trading on Friday, after Marjorie gave away a whole lot of loot to Donald’s venture, well the stock sank to 65$, so a total loss…not to worry as with the Trump Dysentery Dynasty, it is a family affair. See, as a consolation prize, because she loss so much, Miss Soylent Greene can claim a rebate from the “Tower” shipped directly from Melania Mar-a-Lago - a trench-coat that says it all; “I Don’t Care DO U”. And in efforts to shore up the “fraud”, Junior is selling shirts and other articles of impeachment, that has Alec Baldwin yelling out “Son of a Bitch, Son of a Bitch”. Deal of a century? Best get the LUME, as this stock offering stinks of Jim Jordan’s fromunder itch jockstrap, but maybe that is what the Soylent Greene gets excited over!

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