Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. - Nobel Nominee


Donald John Trump Jr., (son of Donald John Trump the 45th President of the United States “Impeached Twice” and circle-jerk masturbator of the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us committee), Junior has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, 2021. This comes about after his heart-wrenching interview on the Newsmax “Reality Check” with Sebastian Gorka, wherein Junior reveals that he spent over 68-hours in breadlines, just waiting for bread, during his childhood in Communist Czechoslovakia. To end this teary-eyed interview, Donald Junior sings “Buddy Can You Spare A Dime” and emphasizes the verse “why should I be waiting in line just for bread”. And following the “Rust” movie stage accident, Junior started hawking merchandise that made fun of the accidental killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, wherein a gun held by Alec Baldwin misfired, and all proceeds from the sale of this “Murder Most Foul” merchandise would go to speed up the bread-lines Junior has witnessed here in America, those empty shelves. Henry Murray has supported this nomination, as well as endorsements from Theodore Kaczynski.

 Just in: Bob Dylan says he will return his Nobel prize if Donald Junior wins the 2021 award, as Bob feels bad that he never had to wait in a bread line, so feels his award is not justified when compared to what Donald Junior had to go through in his youth.

To see the teary-eyed interview, below link:

Nobel Prize NOMINEE Endorsements

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