Thursday, October 21, 2021

How Divided Are We?

Mention the name Merrick Garland in a crowd of enthusiastic Patriots and MAGA spirited Piranhas, it is like yelling out fire in a crowded theater, never say never! But when “We the People Proletariats” on either side of the isle of righteousness 2nd a motion that emotion of just how divided we are as “One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all” - it’s called the Pledge of Allegiance my flat-footed friend, well there is no answer to that daunting question “Divided We Fall”! Don’t get it just Giggle “indivisible”! First comes failure then the falling out NOT so fast! So buddy can you spare a dime “buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks” I can sit amongst a crowd of bipartisan-fans and no one gives a rat’s ass what political side the dog wag’s its tail, as long as the Fenway Red Sox…But back to the commotion, we have before US a divide by zero error, so into the forfeiture failure inning. That missing formulation “zero” is the only equation a computer gets confused upon, same be it with this American divide. Is there an answer? But herein is my take on this big mistake that is tearing us apart, that wealth garnished through “No Taxation” and with that extra $cash$ to power-stroke one-sided representation, it is inciting…forgive then for they know not what they are doing to circumcise “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” through this “divide”. The woes today are all about “Taxation”, the have and the have nots. OK, besides that many are still stool stuck that Moscow Bitch McConnell, who never worked a day of his life a real American job, he had the audacity to show that some brats care not that Robert E. Lee statues remained erected as a thorn in the side of Democracy for way too long. It gave the Confederacy a saving grace chance that it…we are on the path of the resurrection of “slavery” and its starts with taking away voting rights if that ain’t a Confederate philosophy then, it is that “Turncoats in Treason’s” foundation. Mind you, this Jim Jordan Panty Raid of January 6th, aka GOP Insurgency”R”Us, it is not a bother in my book bring it on this Yankee is alive and well and ready and willing with a stash of RAID! But this Confederate promotion, orchestrated by the Trump Dysentery Dynasty and boweled into a movement by McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, it is here not to stay but for the time-being causing a friction hernia. I mean, Jim Jordan is the epitome of someone with chafed balls all the time poor bastard, to tight a jockstrap or maybe his panties are causing a blue ball strangulation. And Matt Gaetz, please leave us alone go chase some teeny-blooper virgins. But herein, I am talking the rude awakening that when a “Black Man” entered the Oval Office that “slavery” would soon after arrive back on the back-burner as Barack Obama would never get to pick a replacement Supreme Court justice, instead Mitch would use his wife’s panty power to fill that court with “jesters”. And now that Amy Cooty Barrett and Baby Brett Ravonlaugh and Neal Borscht - Moscow Mitch’s thug-a-jugs - as this triple-homicide continues to hi-jack “American Jurisprudence” when they should have refused getting involved with a tainted court, well it appears “precedence set” is on its way out. I mean the Supreme Court Jesters are cleaning house, a rummage sale of justice as when we start to question this time-proven reality of “precedence”, we are doomed with respect to a law-abiding nation. See, it used to be Simple Simon sleep-offs with the Supreme Court, as “opines” would search the “precedence” and it meant case closed if history showed it existed and related to a case before the Supremes. But now with a bunch of misfit “jesters” who want more stage time so have taken the liberty to gut away and do away with the “Precedence Set” law of this land sea to shining sea, that is an abortion of jurisprudence. And just today, Merrick Garland, who did not make it to the high-court due Mitch having a hardon and getting his marching orders from the Mos-cow, well Biden’s Attorney General as the “head cop”, he made it clear that the Department of Justice under his watch will follow “precedence set”. So here we are, the highest court in the land and the highest Cop tangled up in blue, as we cannot have it both ways. The clash of the Titan’s has come of age. And this clash, well the jury is still out playing hooky, as like being picked for a jury it doesn’t have meaning like a Congressional “subpoena” and if we take Garland’s words at face value, if the DOJ follows that “precedence set” reality, Steve Bannon will continue to laugh at the Nancy Pelosi “House” that seems to suffer from erectile dysfunction thinking it had to send that Congressional “Contempt” citation referral over to Garland, it was a premature ejaculation. That is what happens when we still have men-in-tights thinking they can do as they damn well please. About the only thing going for Americans, well maybe it is time we use the Jack Marler strategy, as it appears Donald John Trump has been very successful at one thing and that is “No Taxation without Representation”. And if Garland keeps his word, keeps his promise that “precedence set” will prevail, that strategy to avoid paying taxes based on the concept of “No Representation”, then we can win because if we take away the cash cow that Congress sucks the life out of, they are furloughed. What’s in your wallet? Synopsis: The fact we are so divided, because we have a divided Do Nothing Congress, do “We the People” have to pay taxes if we have No Representation”? And if Merrick Garland keeps his word and demonstrates that “precedence-set” is still the law of the land, then Jack Marler wins and so can we just like how Donald Trump and many other wealthy Americans have avoided paying their fair share…I’m In! Ask yourself this Simple Simon: Do you get your money’s worth in Representation? The bottom-line, when the wind blows and the cradle rocks, we will see how the rich avoid paying taxes, it is all based on the concept of “Representation”. So all together now, how divided are we as a nation? When it comes to “representation”, well “We the People” are NOT DIVIDED, get the point!

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