Saturday, October 16, 2021

9-1-1 Call - Gang Rape Update

 ~ This is an update to an “In Progress” Gang Rape situation ~

Crisis call to 9-1-1 Dispatch - Saturday 10/16/2021

Dispatch: 911 dispatch is this an emergency?
Caller: Hello, hello, I need help I am still being gang raped.
Your name?
Caller: Miss Liberty
: Do you recognize your assaulter, assailant?
 Yes, you have that information, his name is Steve Bannon…and the same damn 3 other men accompanying him, that guy named Mark, that cross-eyed goon named Kashyap and that guy they call Scumvino.
DispatchWe have located your location, please hold.
Caller: Hurry, they’re re-chasing me up the same dark alleyway I called you from the other day and they intend on raping me some more! Get me a cop that can help! That “black & white” unit you sent the other day is still parked at the Capitol donut shop.
Miss Liberty, please stay calm I am getting the nation’s “Head Cop” to help you…hello, this is Tony Coley, I work for Merrick Garland, how can I help you?
Caller: Help me, arrest these thugs. Ever since these goons were allowed to go free, since last Thursday when they should have been arrested, they have been raping me over and over and over again. Period, this must STOP
Tony here, Yes Miss Liberty, period. full stop it will be as we will make our own independent decision in all prosecutions soley on the facts and the law, that is how the Department of Justice works. In the meantime, I suggest you get down here and provide those facts so we can begin to process your allegations and then refer it to the prosecutional team.
Caller: These goons should be in jail already, I am being raped against my own free will, in front of my children. Give me that other cop, that Adam Schiff as I need immediate assistance and you are no help. And what does Merrick whatever have to do with my pain & suffering?
Hello, Miss Liberty, this is desk Sargent Adam Schiff and I understand you are still being raped by a Steve Bannon, and the other thugs so it sounds like it is still a “gang rape”. That’s like over 2-days, did you have time to read my new book?
Caller: Fuck your book, I demand an immediate “Inherent Contempt” arrest on these bastards that continue to defy the law of this land. Send over a detail that can accomplish this, NOW!
Miss Liberty, we would like to use that “Inherent Contempt”, but the Sergeant-at-Arms that makes such arrests has a problem. His “Top Aide” is being booked for “Child Pornagraphy” felonies, so you just need to hold tight until we get that situation straightened out, and that will have to go over to the DOJ. In the meantime, may I suggest a good read(Interrupted by Caller hanging up). Miss Liberty, Miss Liberty you still there? Are you OK?

To what started out as a crisis call to 9-1-1 Dispatch - Thursday 10/14/2021:

Dispatch: 911 dispatch is this an emergency?
Caller: Hello, hello, I need help I am being gang raped.
Your name?
Caller: Miss Liberty
: Do you recognize your assaulter, assailant?
 Yes, his name is Steve Bannon…and there are 3 other men accompanying him, a guy named Mark a real cross-eyed goon named Kashyap and a guy they call Scumvino.
DispatchWe have located your location, please hold.
Caller: Hurry, they-re chasing me up a dark alleyway and will rape me some more!
Miss Liberty, calm down I am getting the desk Sargent…hello, this is desk Sargent Adam Schiff and I understand you are being raped by a Steve Bannon, and others so it sounds like a “gang rape”. But I am too busy hawking my new book to help you and I have a slot on the Rachel Maddcow show in a few minutes, that is a priority. Let me see if I can find someone that gives a rat’s ass as I would hate to loose my slot on Rachel as that could win me a “Best Sellers” standing. Miss Liberty, if you read when not being raped, may I suggest my book, it’s called “Congress Has No Balls”.
Caller: Please hurry, this is serious crimes being committed. I am being violated against my own free will and care not about your book. Get me a real cop!
Miss Liberty, this is the shift Captain Bennie Thompson. Do not try to apprehend, we are busy tonight so we will send a black & white unit by…let’s see in a few days, by next Tuesday night we should be able to assist you. In the meantime may I suggest you just sit back calmy, maybe read a good book.
Caller: But I told you last week that he had threatened to rape me, you knew that and you mean to tell me now I must wait, after being raped and this rapist remains on the loose on the streets of America? And he has a fan club that wants to violate me. Even for a few days, he and his goons will continue to rape Miss Liberty until they are arrested, next Tuesday is too long a wait, what should I do? This is not American justice! I demand…
Caller: Hello, hello(crying distraught) why did you hang up on me, this is Miss Liberty and I am being bent over and gang raped!

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