Sunday, September 5, 2021

Shit-Face Supreme Court

Wow, it was a Friday and the proverbial Eagle “shat” again! But this time this time around, the dead-on target was in-the-face of the “pants on fire liars” bench sitting stool pigeons of the United States Supreme Court. Maybe a “Labor Day” reward, as with lying it really takes a whole lot of sweat equity to be honest! But not $money$ this direct hit, but friendly fire feces dedicated to the cause. Facelift I am talking Dear Amy, Dear Amy your lies are too long along with Dear Sam, Dear Sam you’re a yakety-wack scam…and Dear Clearance, Dear Clearance no chance a white sale, come Dear Neil, Dear Neil your just Scalia’s evil. Not to forget Dear Brett, Dear Brett you’ve soiled your pampers…Yes, talk about shitting in another judge’s supreme face, as a small fry District judge in Texas said NO WAY that the “Taliban Abortion Ban” in decision can stand, so late Friday NOT the 13th, due the merit in Constitutional jurisprudence she granted a “Temporary Restraining Order” good for a guaranteed 2-weeks time-out against the Trump Supreme Court’s “Power of Atrocity”! 1 against 5, it makes me proud to be an American and on her side. Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day I can hear it now in celebration from “sea to shining sea”, wherein this “Supreme Court Abuse Restraining Order” finds that abortion clinics in Abbottland cannot have “Taliban Bounty Hunters” tracking down the “aborted baby’s” killer for a “whistleblower” profit, as it meant “WANTED - $10000 Reward” as a finders keepers fee. This makes the U.S. Supreme Court beings, well the best place to rest-in-peace ones heavy TP load, it follows the eye-for-an-eye tooth-for-a-tooth cycle of life. See, when the Dotards made that ruling, that Texas had become a “Sister State” for the Taliban with respect to ruining any semblance of “Women’s Rights”, well that was a proverbial blessing “shat in the eye”. Praytell it all, this retreat by an honorable law-abiding judge, well the “shat” finds new relevance upon the receivers in earnest. So Dear Amy and the rest of the Jemima cohorts in shame, “take a whiff, take a whiff dear SCOTUS scum, take a whiff on thee”. You smells like Shit! Maybe then, for the time being the tide has changed on the Supreme beings! And like wise my Melvin sentiment that Amy “oughta just shampoo my crotch”. To reiterate fate, one judge with one say vote told the Trump maggots to take a hike. This is “DEMOCRACY” in action at its best and shows how a single individual can make a wrong a right, make a difference at least in this case some breathing room even if a short-lived victory - as when such a body like the Supreme Court messes with the theory and ideals of “precedence set”, we have a High Court “Mutiny” by a bunch of Trump MAGA Maggot “Mutants”. As this decision by that “Court”, which no longer serves “We the People” a Constitutional purpose, through such a premature Scalia moment ejaculation wherein “Woman is the NIGGER of the world” once again ordained, when reckless opines based on Politics & Religion sends US backwards towards hell…and who the hell let the Taliban mentality in?

AUSTIN — Today, the District Court for Travis County granted a temporary restraining order against Texas Right to Life and its associates, stopping them from suing abortion providers and health care workers at Planned Parenthood health centers in Texas under the newly in-effect “sue thy neighbor” abortion ban, S.B. 8. The U.S. Supreme Court allowed the law, which bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, to go into effect on Wednesday. Millions of Texans are now without access to abortion, and providers and support networks are vulnerable to malicious lawsuits.

The temporary restraining order was filed by Planned Parenthood South Texas Surgical Center, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Surgical Health Services, Planned Parenthood Center for Choice, and Planned Parenthood Center for Choice abortion provider Dr. Bhavik Kumar. Under the temporary restraining order, Texas Right to Life, its legislative director John Seago, and anyone acting in concert with them is barred from bringing lawsuits against Planned Parenthood, Dr. Kumar, and employees of the Texas health centers under S.B. 8’s private enforcement provision while litigation against the unconstitutional law continues.

Now 2nd verse different then the 1st:

Dear Amy, dear Amy
Your snorts are too loud
Sam’s souls falling out and Neil a lost cause
Clarence lives on with no black friends at all
Won't you write Roberts a letter, Dear John it for all
Sign it Trumpbortion

Bedminster Bedwetters
You show only contempt
You aren’t what your are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up lusters, and listen up good
Stop wishing for Trumpoids instead jerk off your wood

Dear Baby, dear Brett
Your little vagina leaks
You’re a posse of misfits and your opines are sins
Every side you get up on is the wrong side of bed
If you weren't so aloof, you’d enjoy getting head
Signed sleazy court breeders

Dear Amy, dear Clarence
Dear Neil, dear Sam
Dear Baby Brett and all your Taliban fans
You best now accept what you deserve
As my allegiance aches whenever you opine
And founder in father says you’re all over your heads
So write a TLC retreat on that UNION TP
Signed Democracy destroyer

Original Dear Abby courtesy of John Prine

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