Sunday, September 5, 2021

Covid, MUON-X & Dino

There comes before us today an ever present in-exhaustion of study this after study that another study, in efforts to find an understanding of this “COvid Creature” amongst us. A smorgasbord reality wherein women and men of science trying their best to be the first one on the block to reign in on this menace. Who to believe? Well, I give it credit wherein such is due, a daunting task it is. It is all meaningful stuff, some too difficult to apprehend, like when words from brilliant minds falls outside of my intellect level. So it requires patience while sifting through the maze, yet time well spent in retirement so that I can have an understanding what it is all about and what it means for the future. No doubt, aftermath generations - those still in their youth - are dazed and confused, so I strive for some semblance of a scientific understanding. But one particular study funded by the PJW-PBJ Institute has concluded with some very interesting research on this “COvid Creature”. It appears that this “Creature” is not a new thing, but has been around since the days of the dinosaurus-rex connection. And that Godzilla species may have been the origin of this now dreaded virus, or the beholder of such, as the DNA for this “crud” may have been stuck away in the remains of Dino. That mosquito fossil in amber thing or like frozen in time preserved in “oil” and when that valuable commodity is extracted through extended reach drilling from deep beneath the surface of the earth, with a “gusher” so comes Dino’s remains topside.  If conditions are acceptable, comes the chance that the “COvid Creature” can survive after a long hiatus siesta. But the “oil” has been around the block also for many a century, so if the “black gold” was a carryover caring carrier pigeon for the COvid, why all of a sudden is this “thing” killing us, wrecking havoc on our social lives and keeping many of us homeward bound? From the PJW research, it was concluded that the Transit-Time-Life Cycle(TTLC) of the “COvid Creature” on the loose was in the “muon” range, like 2.2 micro-seconds an existence. That is about 0.000002 seconds, or “quick”. So for a long time as a successful airborne constituent particle, it was not of concern because it died off, instantaneously when it showed any life outside its stronghold habitat. Even if when loose and it exhibited an exponential reproductive cycle due ideal conditions, it found no existence, just a brief moment of time with no known interfering. It could not survive the elements of this “day and age” ecosystem, and nothing to do with “climate change”. If awakened and hosted then promoted about by a cough, it had no chance of surviving in efforts to incite a riot upon a new host many “muons” away. But something changed on or about the time people started dying like flies, back in early 2020, and there is but for only a single discernable option, that there is a new-found element of surprise that breeds to life a longer life for this “COvid Creature’s” comfort. It means the “muon-X” finds sympathy-for-the-devil, and something is interfering with “nature” thus allowing the reproduction along with propagation of the “COvid Creature” beyond “natural norms”, wherein it can infect the masses. What was once pronounced dead on arrival, it is maintaining a stronghold and a course of destruction, and not even can nature make this “crud” do an about face! So this research invited more research, to what may have changed to cause this “crud” a new lease on life? Said again, the study found the “COvid” is everywhere, may always was may always will be, but due circumstances in “normalcy” and nature’s combative role, it meant nothing as it did not survive long enough to cause any pain and suffering to humans. Then something changed that almost non-existence behavior of now you see me now you won’t. And there was found but for a single element that contributed a consistent band-aid for this extended propagation, that “nature’s” combative role has been taken over by an outside interference canopy, that which occupies an “energy band” that which finds a frequency and power level that instigates the “COvid”, the fallout enabling that “Creature” in its journey and when it arrives to that unexpected recipient, the COvid is now alive and well and causes harm - like it was intended by design. But we have been lucky, as it was never a threat to humans until now. Look, there are zillions of things out there that could wipe out mankind without a moment’s notice, but nature is kind to mankind, yet there exists a limitation to that generosity. And the only existing out-of-the-ordinary “canopy” that shines a light to afford the “COvid Creature” an existence when nature for awhile provided for a non-existence, well “Can You Hear Me Now”! It was not a difficult answer for this PJW-PBJ study, what commonality “world-wide” may cause the interference that was causing nature to fail us? Today, we live in a canopy of every-which-way-but-loose cell-phone and wi-fi energy wave bombardment. And the ripple effect with wayward waves crisscrossing in a random but non-destructive pattern, it is in-line with what can keep this menace alive, from donor to “I feel sick” at the other end. The energy band of this canopy, its influence upon the “Muon” TTLC, the chaosity in its 24/7 behavior, it is too much for nature to handle on its own accord. Nature has no defense, as it appears so harmless, yet it is enough of an interference pattern to allow the “COvid Creature” new life beyond the “muon” - that “Muon-X” factor. It is a random pattern, so finds not an easy solution through nature, as it is ever changing and thus the feedback required for nature’s combative mechanisms to kick in, well still on the learning curve. Now according to the research, this energetic canopy is limited in scope to its destructive side-kick, as it is changing daily and one day we will be set free from this COvid, but then what? If the “state of the canopy” can cause this kind of damage to the human race so quickly, it could be animals as the next targeted, or birds that will become another victim in masses, just so we can spend all our damn time connected to “nonsense” as it has become a habit. We will not change our ways and means, so we can only pray that soon enough that human embraced canopy has a change of heart and this “COvid Creature” returns to the “Muon Time Warp” grave, forever and ever Amen. Let’s hope it is the last, as humans may have helped in the “Climate Change” and for sure are responsible for this “canopy” effect, which means there is no debate - we are guilty by association. So we wait in limbo, until such time the “canopy” shows some “energy band” stability long enough wherein nature can grasp an understanding of how to destroy the “COvid Creature” menace in its tracks. In the meantime, I guess we keep on texting, I meant “trucking”!

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