Thursday, October 29, 2020

Joe Wilson "YOU LIE" Award - Brett Kavanaugh


Supreme Court 

of the 

United States

To the person(s) and or “Clerk of the Court” and or “Merits Clerk” duly authorized to receive this FAX:

* For Brett Kavanaugh’s EYES ONLY *

WARNING:  Do Not Destroy, to be delivered to Brett Kavanaugh for his eyes only!

Jurisprudence Disgrace

Brett Kavanaugh is a “Jurisprudence Disgrace”. NO, don’t blame it on a “simple excuse in error” as you were supposed to learn all about that “opine in accuracy” in the beginning semester of law school. Maybe Trump University was not what the billboard advertised.  The fact that you were forced to “tweak” an opine so close to a very controversial presidential election, this is a disgrace to the High Court’s “mission statement” and you should resign immediately. And your colleagues, those better suited and well versed in how a sitting Supreme Court Justice should “act”, they are saying this correction of error is a rare occurrence, to witness a sitting justice make a mistake on an opine then have to retreat, to “retract” away that “mistake”. This is why innocence victims of an overzealous court get locked up in prison for no crimes committed, haste makes waste and in your court it is…well we see more and more eroding away of what Antonin Scalia warned us about - a court with no direction home. Your conservative diarrhea in agenda is in the “majority”, and you still have no guiding light what is right. Yes, nothing short a “Disgrace”! There is NO EXCUSE this “tweaking”, there is NO sympathy for this devilish agenda, to try in vain to but for satisfy the Fucking Moron your only fascination - paying back Daddy Whorebucks. There is NO turning back, as you are turning your back and my dad calls that a “Turncoat”. I had high hopes you would place aside “politics”, even though you were far from the “Peoples” choice a job-for-life with no accountability. Yet now “We the People” are seeing the “True” Brett Kavanaugh in the eyes of a Supreme Being Court in “Superiority” seize the moment by making gross inexcusable errors of judgement, well we are in the midst of the Court Jesters. I guess Bob Dylan was right, “the circus is in town”. When the credibility of your court is under attack because you have forsaken the oath, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is under attack and may the “Best Man” win! And here is my take, my “Citizen Cane” opine your “Simple Simon Mistake”: You sold away your ego, and will do anything and everything to satisfy your altar-ego, which belongs to your Fucking Moronism ideals as your “Independence” is strangled by a puss-head vagrant living in the White House - that is a genuine criminal act the way he evades the truth, evades taxation, evades a woman’s rights and you strive to be like him? It’s like being a Eunuch! Dear Brett, reprimand means resignation, as you have committed the most heinous of malpractice malfeasance acts. To NOT resign, it means this High Court is no longer discretionable on its own “merits & accord” but obligated to “Divide” even more a once Great Nation. And this is what the headlines are broadcasting, in calling your bluff:

“It's a rare public correction by a justice that comes as the court is facing multiple appeals on voting access and mail-in ballots in the days before the presidential election. Kavanaugh's error came Monday night, when the court rejected a Democratic bid to allow Wisconsin to count ballots returned up to six days after Election Day. Kavanaugh wrote a concurring opinion that cited Vermont as a state that hadn't made changes to its "ordinary election rules."

Yes, a sitting justice “in error”! I hope that by the COB today you have resigned, as this is the hole in the “damn” dam and we are tired of “finger fucking” relief! When will it sink in, that “lying” is the most Un-Patriotic practise…it ruins the justice system and your participation lends a helping hand and not what the Founding Fathers’ envisioned. And don’t go nauseated my language, we are at a critical juncture words matter! But, I will take credit in teaching my kids that you will go down as the first Supreme Court justice in my time that, well it was a lie because you knew better, but with a “liar” covering your back what else would we expect as it is like a cancer it grows in a “like father like son” gang rape cover. Just remember, October 28th, the day the music of justice died! And NO, I did not address you as the “Honorable”, as what “Honor” is there? Kavanaugh’s ERROR, a divide by zero result and hope you enjoy your knew title!

Respectfully Submitted with NO RESPECT by 
Sir Stugots Scoreggia nella mia testa

FAX’d to SCOTUS at (202) 479-3204 on October 29, 2020.

PS: Brett, if you get off your Eunuch binge, please contact as I am open to retract my opine “your error in judgement” if you have something worthwhile to offer and I can digest with confidence.

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