Monday, July 20, 2020


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Office of the Commissioner

Dear Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn;

Date: Monday, July 20, 2020

This correspondence is an URGENT submittal for an EMERGENCY USE REQUEST before the Food and Drug Administration for the “controlled” use of COVRM(Carbon Monoxide Virus Retarding Molecules, aka CORM[Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecules]) and COVAID(Carbon Monoxide Virus Annihilation Inhalation Devices) to enhance the body producing Carbon Monoxide(CO), or lack of, as a means to combat what appears to be a “suspicious” immunity lacking event the fight against the SARS-Cov-2. Such “immunity lacking” with respect to the normal endogenously produced CO below beneficial health synchronizing recommendations. This anomaly possibly due unknown and yet to be identified - through study, testing and research - environmental background effects consistent with a “harmful” degradation in decline that internal generated CO and its health benefit functionality, as a once robust signaling mechanism against a virus and other foreign “health threatening” interferences. Research data this “immune lacking” phenomenon event available upon request. It is also noted that ample literature is readily available, as deciphered this event in numerous medical journal/peer review publications, as well as suspect the background element of surprise facilitating this concern.

Over the past 10-years the use of CO releasing agents along with CO inhalation therapy, combined in practice it has found new research engaging an interest by promotional enthusiast, after many years of dormancy as CO was considered a “negative” any external promotion to supplement the normal CO generation cycle. That said, on the opposite end of the “spectrum” is found more and more beneficial recommendations through enhanced CO therapeutics for many medical/health concerns - which would leave one to believe many uses still remain undiscovered for this now accepted therapy. This “pandemic” may be one of those events wherein an unfound remedy exists for application of CO, therefore the benefit is worthwhile.

Please review this URGENT request in a timely fashion this submittal for an EMERGENCY USE REQUEST covering “Authoritative Controlled COVRM and/or CORM and/or COVAID” remedies as the benefits of this therapeutic delivery may be greater than the risks without. We have no time to lose as the case load and mortality rate of this pandemic facing mankind is astounding in global reach and proportions. Even with a vaccination finding merit to circumvent the spread of the SARS-Cov-2, that effort in itself in discovery and delivery in success relies on an interim solution based on the scale of the “pandemic”. All possible considerations are on the table and since there exists a portion of society against the policy of “vaccinations”, any interim solution could also be front and center as beneficial for that faction in the future. Since CO is a readily available/manufactured at medical grade in purity composition, with ease of delivery, the benefit demands availability and an authorization for “EMERGENCY USE” through the FDA.

Respectfully Submitted this 20th Day of July in the year 2020 by S. Pam McGee of Green Mountain Associates(contact: as independent “agent” for COVRM/COVAID therapeutics interests, investors included.

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