Friday, July 24, 2020

EXO v. ENDO - The COvid Cure?

EXOGENOUS: (BIOLOGY) growing or originating from outside an organism.

ENDOGENOUS: (BIOLOGY) growing or originating from within an organism.

What’s in a name, hold that thought what’s in a definition? OK, let me encourage a PJW-3DBB postulation with this EXO v. ENDO. To begin with, by throwing out a “cause and effect” remedy, that our individual immune system uses “poison” in a cease and desist pathway of aggression - yes it does so as a ways and means to ward off that “EXO”. For Real McCoy, if a foreign objective enters our “bloodline” that isn’t supposed to be there, like a COvidity camouflaged in covert, our by-design God given response is to generate “Carbon Monoxide” - a known poison drafted for a combat mission! In a small enough amount in generation, this “poison” acts as a Deliberate Debilitating Deterrent -D3. So what is good for the goose is good for the gander is good for the “gaggle in mass” at hysteria time to fight fire with fire…but don’t go running off to sniff tailpipes! Now it is my belief, and affirmed by others with professional credentials, that our immune systems went taxed before Mr. COvid entered the global arena. Yes “taxed” from an “EXO of interest” due to ambient benevolent environmental considerations, as no longer do “We all live in a Yellow Submarine”. That “tranquility” was circumcised by the Ma Bell invention in inventory excessive “We all Tweet in a Twitter Smithereen”. Yes, not only excessive tax on our hard earned income, but an excise tax appropriated by the side effects of the non-thermals from being connected forever even as we sleep comfort under the “canopy” of gilded waves unguided every which way but loose. We are “bombarded” 24/7 by this irritant that challenges our sustainability - as it raises havoc with our blood work. And in repair mode while in accordion mood when we rest, we become vulnerable to being crisscrossed - like that reverse mortgage bull! And when overwhelmed with a sneaky Pete nemesis like this COvid,  maybe the inherent “no help needed from the outside” generation of that life-saving CO is no longer capable of priming our systems to combat that Wuyan interference from “Outside”. Well known fact of civilization, that our DNA changes with time, based on our surroundings and if in overload from outside interference, it takes time for a recalibration not an overnight sensation - and maybe just maybe this CO was way behind the times - in what was needed to help rescue our immune systems hijacked by the COvid. Thus, we may be observing the “consequences” in “lack of” due the reach and breach of environmental factors disabling the credit and credibility of that CO, wherein our immunity could not react in action to remedy this “Simple Simon” COvid menace, because the CO snipers were outnumbered by the COvid hit squad and it has been a My Lai massacre ever since.

Sidebar 1: The human blood competes for oxygen and carbon monoxide, for Real McCoy again. Matter of fact, if the blood is a magnet and oxygen is “pot metal” and carbon monoxide is the “blue steel”, guess who gets to attach readily through attraction? Another example, if a “hemo-globetrotter” has 250 chairs reserved for a lecture, 249 will be attended by the Carbon Monoxide fans and only ONE will be enjoyed by the Oxygen plan - the rest of the breathing air is turned away. And that is what happens with carbon monoxide, which finds an affinity to blood 250x greater then oxygen, a poison finding a higher standing coupling with our blood hemoglobin for a reason…ask yourself why? And it is the reason that EXO-carbon monoxide can be so deadly, as it will easily replace oxygen and overwhelm the body’s functionality, like a sponge the blood reacts. Which brings us to…

Sidebar 2: Our blood is under duress from the” canopy” that now occupies our existence in surround-sound technology. The “signaling” that our body’s SOS understands works wonders to prevent and or recover from attacks by this “EXO”, as the latter is so explained above. So the old fashion 60s thing about “shoot your television”, maybe it is time to shoot the messenger, that cell phone. But that will never happen, as we have become addicted to that point of no return so “no turning back” and until such time our mDNA can call for change in adaptation, we must find things that can be incorporated from outside sources to combat this “pandemic”. Once you get this COvid, hasta la vista baby - so a “Therapeutic” is a must have right now and where do we begin. That Hydroaxe, aka Hydroxychloroquine, it was a bust in Phase I, II and III but still being pushed by the Moron majority. And there is a better result with Dexamethasone, basically the “Hydro” missing the chlorine - but just another after the fact remedy “still born”. We need a preventive, and maybe that fighting fire with poison makes common sense - under controlled PILLferage. And introduction to enhanced Carbon Monoxide Therapy can and will, under controlled conditions, help us out of this jam. Now like already mentioned with emphasis this repeat, don’t go sucking tailpipes, as there exists a whole lot of other nasty cancer-causing crap that is exhausted from an internal combustion process. This CO Therapy, it will require special equipped facilities, like a “bus” or sidewalk “tunnel”. Wherein controlled medical grade CO is mixed with the breathing air, and the occupants of that environment in therapy monitored for a few minutes only, like a drive-by, until such time a CO level increase TBD is fundamental a “preventive” measure to stomp out this COvid engaging our immune systems. Maybe not a first line of defense, yet better positioned then a vaccine. But like anything and everything else considered, this will require trial and error. With all due consideration we are desperate so no stone goes unturned, this may be a “fix” on the cheap, as we know how to generate copious amounts of Carbon Monoxide along with the knowhow to clean that gas to meet the definition of “medical grade”. Done deal, as we also understand the “stoichiometric mixing rules” and it will then all boil down to “Take a whiff, take a whiff, take a whiff on me ~ Everybody take a whiff on me ~ Hey, hey, baby take a whiff on me ~ Hey, hey, baby take a whiff on me”.

OK, in ending we find ourselves closing with Sidebar 3: Why so my fascination with Carbon Monoxide as a possible interim miracle to get us back on our feet in “Airplane Mode” this COvid? Dear Simple Simon, as it has been researched that fewer tobacco smokers are getting treated for the COvid. Why so? Increased CO, from a bad habit that is acting as preventive medicine. Here it is in peer review;

Indeed, early reports from China on the clinical characteristics of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 found that the proportion of smokers was less than expected based on the estimated prevalence of smoking in the country which is 27.7%.

For instance, in one study, the proportion of smokers was found to be considerably less than the average at 1.4% and while higher at 7% in another study, this was still lower than the average. Since these early reports from China, several other studies from different countries have also demonstrated that a lower than expected number of smokers have been hospitalized with COVID-19.

In a study of those hospitalized with COVID-19 in New York, the prevalence of smokers was 5.1% which is less than half of the most recent estimate of the overall US smoking prevalence of 13.7%.

Similarly, a retrospective analysis of 441 patients admitted to a hospital in northern Italy, found that less than 5% of patients were smokers, compared to an estimated age-adjusted prevalence of 14.9%.

In a study of 340 patients in a French university hospital, it was found that 6.1% of patients were smokers compared to a population rate of 25.4%.

Finally, in a yet to be peer-reviewed meta-analysis of available studies, Spanish researchers calculated that smokers were statistically less likely (odds ratio = 0.18, 95% CI 0.14 – 0.23) to be hospitalized for COVID-19.

And the fact that under normal circumstance the non-smoker realizes a “Nominal” everyday Carbon Monoxide bloodline level of 1%, we have wiggle room before it gets to the “Critical Cessation Point” with any inhalation enhancements. As an interim “Therapy”, it has to work! Maybe not yet a remedy in “Good Standing” acceptable medical principals, but based on actual “in practice” from witness data available, there exists a fascinating conditional link between Carbon Monoxide and how that element(s) affects smokers, with fewer emergency room visits due the COvid symptoms. So I have applied for an “EMERGENCY USE REQUEST” from the FDA, for the technologies that can distribute CO to enhance what may be lacking in our immune systems - due those outside interferences that may be the culprit. And I have received the “Green Light” for the “Red Tape”. Wish me good luck!

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