Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Witch Doctor Deborah Birx

That Doctor Deborah Scarves”R”us Birx, a “witch doctor” with Peyronie’s status and standing at attention for the White House’s Covid Task Farce. Glad to hear that bunch of lunatics is under the microscope by the CDC for “advanced stages of abnormal rodent behavior”. Yes, she’s a Witch Doctor! Throwing out fancy words like “model” and “vector” and trying to fascinate us during her ten-minutes claim to insane fame while reciting the Hippocratic Oath when invited up to the Donald Trump pandemonium podium, something about a “logarithmic” response? So let me explain a few Simple Simon rules of the rude road she tries to take us down - aka Dead End Street and curbside to curbside filled with “snake oil” brothels. Look, a “Model” is a hypothetical “hocus-pocus” calling of inferior mathematical unsoundness that which relies on a single principle, that being “garbage in = garbage out”. Which means in efforts for a “model” to provide a gullible reason behind some fascination, the input data used must be “mature”. So give this Covid about a year behind us and maybe, then maybe a model will provide some semblance of debate in what the hell to do next after selling off all the stock options. And when Birx throws out that “vector” thing in confusion, I guess the direction that Peyronie’s takes. Let me take it above the bar in simplicity. If you asked the bizarre “scarfed” woman the following simple question - I will use a “Model” for her answer. Here it is: So you are tired of being cooped-up and run to the grocery store for some ice-cream. The bagger gives you one of those “thermal ice cream bags”, as there is no way you can run back home as while “Home Alone”, it has added a few extra scarves - aka pounds to hide away! Now that “cold climate” bag is designed to keep the cold inside and the hot outside. And if you use that bag in reverse, will the chicken wings get cold or hot”? Dear Deborah does Fauci, what’s your take on this reverse assmosis challenge? According to my “modeloo ee oo aa aa, ting, tang, walla walla bing bang". And for her “logarithm” in rhythm to what her Fucking Moron boss’ sings out loud like doo-dah when shitting on “My Country ‘Tis of Thee once upon a time everybody’s liberty”:

Jan. 30: 1 death confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s one person. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

Feb. 15: 10 deaths confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s ten persons. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

Feb. 30: 100 deaths confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s one hundred persons. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

March 30: 1000 deaths confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s one thousand persons. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

April 30: 10000 deaths confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s ten thousand persons. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

May 30: 100000 deaths confirmed in U.S.  - "We have it under control. It’s one bad fairway. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

We are fucked...this logarithmic lobotomy phony!

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