Monday, May 25, 2020

Understanding Donald Trump

Doctor Henry Murray, renowned “human mind” experimenter in research at Harvard, found two guinea pigs back in the 60s to mentally lobotomize - no surgery under the scalpel required. Two candidates designated for a super-secret CIA test, designed to cannibalize the “human element” of “need” through “mind game abuse”, all in search of the “Manchurian Candidate”. On the record books it was called the MK-Ultra. One of the candidates was listed by Code Name “Lawful” and when the “mind games” were complete and this individual was let loose into society to see how the change was fit for the human endeavor, soon after this “Lawful” would come to be known as the Unabomber - aka Ted Kaczynski. The other distinguished team-member, listed by the Code Name “Trump”. So Henry failed with Ted, but was successful with this “Trump” and the fallout is wreaking havoc the consequences of altering one’s consciousness the human endeavor, that science can create a “monster” that exists by instinct alone, no emotion except survival - cares not about the past nor the future but for the moment only at any expense.

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