Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Fauci - Trump's Genocide Whore

Doctor Anthony Weiner Fauci, is he Donald Trump’s Genocide Whore? We realize by now that Doctor Deborah Birx is the White House “Scarves”R”us” whore, so what gives with these so called educated idiots surrounding this Fucking Moron and so afraid to be American Heroes? The “Hydroaxe” was already used to, to “MURDER” American Veterans! Of course it should be banned! Doctor Fauci, the Fucking Moron’s MORON, aka Genocide Whore! “Hippocratic Oath”, what’s that I hear in the background sounds like nonsense noise: “You got to beep-a-gunk-a-chucha honk-kon, konk-kadanta, each-ya-puna-ney-cha, bap-pa-lula-ni-chao, pao-pati-cha, ni-saong-kong. I woke up this morning and found I was a Moron’s whore!” But herein to why the “Silence is Golden” in “Genocide”. Trump says he took the “drug” only after wasting Taxpayer $loot$ to buy 30-million doses at a cost of $10-million, from India - that had to lift an export ban because it held onto a “humongous over supply” of the malaria fighting drug. A supply on hand and readily available in anticipation it would work against this “Coronavirus”, but had already been on the banwagon its use in the Mumbai Slums! Pinch yourself, the Indian government authority “banned” its widespread use on the slum lord populations because it DID NOT WORK and held side-effects! And then comes Trump’s breathtaking lie that he was under-the-influence of “Hydroxychloroquine”, after the fact Veterans were “Murdered”? Look, it is “guilty by association” and it appears the Fucking Moron has already won the battle over Constitutional “immunity”. Yes “murder” as the word came down through the chain-of-command to administer this unproven remedy - and today the Veterans Administration will not retreat away from that presidential edict, because Trump will not surrender, never a “Tweet” in retreat that he was wrong! Yet there is more then meets the eyes, ears and mouth as to why the Peyronie’s disease is cause for concern with Trump’s Oval Office. Fauci has the ability to place the icing on the “Impeachment Cake”, by talking to Nancy’s House of Congress and getting the point across that the Commander-in-Chief “Imposter Pretender” placed Americans in “harm’s way”, placed American WAR veterans in “harm’s way”. Then the Town Crier - aka Sergeant of Arms - he could be asked to ARREST this Cortez the Killer then “Let the Whore Games” begin!

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