Sunday, April 26, 2020

Science Sunday

Summary: Platelets(pictured above) play a much bigger role in our immune system than previously thought, according to researchers. In addition to their role in coagulation and healing, platelets also act as the immune system's first responders when a virus, bacterium, or allergen enters the bloodstream.

Even a kindergartener could decipher what the above means with respect to the COVID-19!

And maybe it is time for Donald Trump to re-appoint Doctor Harold Bornstein for the COVID-19 Presidential Task Force and time to furlough Dr. Deborah “Scarves”R”us” Birx and her “I’m uncertain I’m certain” snake oil charm along with giving Dr. Anthony Weiner Fauci the boot, as with his ever-ending bromance with “I’m certain I’m uncertain”…but you will notice that the Fucking Moron’s daily COVID briefing pandemonium podium has disappeared after telling his Moron fanbase to inject Lysol and the fact that the Birx & Fauci “Pandemic Model” is anemic and on suicide watch and the U.S. will soon tip the scale at 1-million COVID cases. 

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