Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hunt for Red October

Why is it that the “Mortality Rate” for this Armageddon Apocalypse Now COVID-19 is but for a fraction in Putin’s Russia? Fake data maybe? Not really, as if that were the case the John Hopkins trackers would have already modeled “bad data” and “flagged” Putin. And because Putin and Trump are “Best Buddies”, a phone call away any discrepancies. And with so many countries volunteering hourly up-to-date information this “Beer Virus” - thank you Don Young of Alaska - it is difficult to “hide” the facts of the matter. Only North Korea is playing hooky with information, so the data retrieved is pretty fit and of sound science. So once again, why is Russia showing problematic indices lower, much lower then the “Global Average”?

For shits & grins, Xi’s CHINA = 5.5266. Donald’s Homeland = 5.7289 and drum roll please…Putin’s Red October = 0.8962. Yes, 1/7th on average the rest of the World off course on a crash course this “pandemic”. But as each and everyday goes bye-bye, we gather a better understanding…more confusion with chaos. Simple Simon place-holder, it is called a “root cause” common-denominator and so far that subject and its matter experts have provided a “Divide by Zero ERROR” any worthwhile front and center “commonality” what we are up against. So let me throw a wrench into the plan, a wrinkle on the map like in Captain Ramius’ Red October now repurposed. It may enlist the fact that when it was discovered that “cell phone radiation” can interfere with an individual’s “blood characteristics” and thus compromise the body’s immunity in how the blood’s mechanism challenges foreigners, well instead of just thumbing the nose, Putin made laws that decreased the cell phone power to 1/7th. Coincidence?

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