Saturday, April 18, 2020

SOS - Fuck Head Missing Bobble

Dear Fucking Moron, aka Donald John Trump. You say you inherited a “broke system”? You say you “inherited garbage”? So let me be perfectly clear, you are reassuring America that you are a Fucking Moron, aka a Fuck Head missing the bobble. Barack Obama inherited a “broke system” when on January 20th of 2009 and the United States now under his “watch”, sworn in oath as “Commander-in-Chief, here is what a Patriotic American hero can do. Within 28-days, sign and seal and deliver to a “broke America” the $830-billion “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act”. In 28-days, the 44th still finding his way around the Oval Office the frosting on the Inauguration cake still fresh, yet no excuses just performing his duties without dereliction there will be time for “golf” later on this legislation saved the “broke system” he inherited and saved the day. And did you forget, you were sworn in as Impostor-in-Chief on January 20th, 2017. And today you complained once again about the “broke system and garbage” you inherited - you have enjoyed 1184 days in office and many days playing golf, so what’s the point? You have been derelict in that duty, so now blame everybody within your “draconian breath” reach and that is what happens when you gamble on a single prospect - the economy and when that crashed because you inherited “garbage” well the only other trick up your sleaze is “lieing” down on the job. And if that is Presidential, “We the People” are under siege. And WTF, sad when this nation's First Lady is MIA. In comparison to Michelle, your piece of skat lady is a puss filled pimple. One last thing, if you really think a State’s Right can circumvent the 2nd Amendment, that proves you are a canker sore looser!

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