Saturday, April 18, 2020

Dear Donald Trump - Again

Dear Donald Trump;
Yes you were very successful in avoiding that “serve your country” military draft once before during the Vietnam conflict - your Richie Rich kid “bone spurs” preferential treatment - wherein 58000+ American kids not so privileged came home in box. But what gives you this privilege again to avoid the current draft, the call for “all able bodied men and women” to come to the aid of their countrymen, with this Armageddon Apocalypse Now upon us sea to shining sea. I guess Woody Guthrie was right about Old Man Trump and you turned out just like that bad daddy - a no give a rat’s ass about your fellow man. By the way while we are at it “have a rotten day Oscar the Grouch way” that Doctor Anthony “I’m certain I’m uncertain” Fauci & Doctor Deborah “I’m uncertain I’m certain” Birx and her “scarves “r” Us fascination, maybe you should tell them to look at the Mumbai Slums to help get our nation under your pathetic watch up to step in testing, as in India at these over-crowded habitations, the COVID-19 testing is more advanced in those “slums” then what we have here in the states. And hope you and Melania, while sitting by the fireside chatting, enjoyed the Global Citizens - One World Together at Home special, and don’t ask for WHO?

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